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Tamora Pierce

I return to my regularly scheduled profile:

Though I would love to join groups, I'm going to turn them all down. I just don't have the time to take part, so please don't be offended if I don't join your group or accept an invitation. I'm not snooty--I'm just up to my eyeballs in work and appearances!

Also, don't be alarmed by the number of books I've read. When I get bored, I go through the different lists and rediscover books I've read in the past. It's a very evil way to use up time when I should be doing other things. Obviously, I've read a lot of books in 54 years!

I was born in South Connellsville, PA. My mother wanted to name me "Tamara" but the nurse who filled out my birth certificate misspelled it as "Tamora". When I was 8 my family moved to California, where we lived for 6 years on both sides of the San Francisco peninsula.

I started writing stories in 6th grade. My interest in fantasy and science fiction began when I was introduced to ‘The Lord of the Rings’ by J. R. R. Tolkien and so I started to write the kind of books that I was reading. After my parents divorced, my mother took my sisters and me back to Pennsylvania in 1969. There I went to Albert Gallatin Senior High for 2 years and Uniontown Area Senior High School for my senior year.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, I wrote the book that became The Song of the Lioness fantasy quartet. I sold some articles and 2 short stories and wrote reviews for a martial arts movie magazine. At last the first book of the quartet, Alanna: The First Adventure was published by Atheneum Books in 1983.

Tim Liebe, who became my Spouse-Creature, and I lived in New York City with assorted cats and two parakeets from 1982 - 2006. In 2006 we moved to Syracuse, New York, where we live now with assorted cats, a number of squirrels, birds, raccoons, skunks, opossums, and woodchucks visiting our very small yard. As of 2011, I have 27 novels in print, one short story collection, one comic book arc ("White Tiger: A Hero's Compulsion") co-written with Tim, and a short story anthology co-editing credit. There's more to come, including a companion book to the Tortall `verse. So stay tuned!

“It's been interesting, "Frostpine said casually. "I wanted Daja to get some experience of other smiths'-and other mages'- ways of doing things, if only so she can see mine is best.”
Tamora Pierce
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“These mages," Kol asked, a wicked glint in his eye, "what kind of fees will they charge? Will I get a two-for-one discount, since they're twins?”
Tamora Pierce
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“Pounce had it easier than any of us. No one noticed a black cat in the street. He stopped here and there to sniff aught of interest. Wherever our Rat stopped, Pounce was there, close enough to see up the Rat's nose. I was so proud. Now there was a proper god, making himself useful!Since my thought might be deemed blasphemy, I said silent prayers to the Goddess and to Mithros. I begged forgiveness and asked them not to misunderstand. Since I wasn't blasted where I stood, I guess they forgave me, or they hadn't heard my blasphemy.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I will be known forever as the Puppy who chased a cutpurse and caught fish garbage instead. My descendants will pretend I'm not in their bloodline. No – no one will want to make descendants with me. [from Beka Cooper's journal of her first day as a new Dog i.e. cop]”
Tamora Pierce
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“Why, I’m just as true and honest as dirt. And I’m even more charming than dirt.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Does your ma know you're this silly?" she demanded tartly.He nodded, comically sad. "The few gray hairs she has on her head are my doing. But" — with an exaggerated change of mood — "I send her plenty of money, so she can pay to have them dyed!""I hope she beat you as a child," Onua grumbled.”
Tamora Pierce
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“A noble maiden must convey dignity and chastity without appearing to think about either one. Let common-born girls tussle in the hay with their loutish swains. The future of your family's bloodline and your future lord's bloodline should be your greatest concern. Let no man but one of your family embrace you. Let no man but your betrothed kiss any more than your fingertips; let your betrothed kiss you only on fingers, cheek, or forehead, lest he think you unchaste. And never allow yourself to be alone with a man, to safeguard the precious jewel of you reputation. No well-born maiden ever suffered from keeping her suitors at arm's length. Your chastity will make you a prize to you future husband's house and an honor to your own."- form Advice to a Young Noblewoman, by Lady Fronia of Whitehall (in Maren) given to Ally on her twelfth birthday by her godmother, Queen Thayet”
Tamora Pierce
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“The Lower City is MINE, Its People are MINE.If I Find Them That's Doing All This Kidnapping And Murdering, They'd Best Pray For Mercy,Because Once I Get My Teeth In 'EmI Will NEVER Let Them Go. ”
Tamora Pierce
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“Tris: "I was reading." Sandry: "You're always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt." Tris: "Then maybe they shouldn't talk to me.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Rosethorn had gone to her room the moment Niko started to cough. Now she returned with her syrup and a firm look in her eye. "I thought you were having trouble last night. Drink this." She poured some into a cup and held it out to him.Niko looked at it as if she offered him rotten fish. "I am fine. I am per-" He couldn't even finish the sentence for coughing."It's not bad," said Tris, crossing her fingers behind her back. "Really, tastes like-like mangoes."Niko looked at her, then took the cup and downed its contents. The four watched with interest as his cheeks turned pale, then scarlet. "That's terrible (exclamation point)" he cried, his voice a thin squeak."Maybe I was thinking of some other syrup," Tris remarked with a straight face.”
Tamora Pierce
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“At last Niko dropped his hands, and opened his eyes. His perfect tree illusion solidified and settled."Very nice," said Briar with approval. "Couldn't have done better myself""Couldn't do it at all yourself," muttered Tris.Briar ignored her. "But you'd never find a cork oak in these parts. Too cold."Niko looked down his nose at the boy. "I beg your pardon?"Briar shrugged. "Just thought I'd mention it."Niko glared.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Never before had she seen such creatures, though they looked much live very large, very shaggy white goats. Thin black horns punctuated the top of their long faces.You look like a collection of grandfathers, she thought, amused.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Don't let him upset you," Niko told the four softly. "He's old and he's frightened.""You're as old as him, and you aren't scared of us," Briar pointed out.Niko glared at him. "Thank you so much," he retorted waspishly.”
Tamora Pierce
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“She glared at him. "Why are you forever asking hard questions?"He smiled. "Sooner or later you'll have to be able to answer one."Daja shoved him, grinning.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life," murmured Niko. "They bring new food for shore creatures, and take ships out to sea. They are the ocean's pulse, and our own heartbeat.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I forgot my purse of laughter when I dressed this mornin'," she told me. "Have you not bought anythin' the last few days? Prices have gone up. Pay or starve, it's all one to me.”
Tamora Pierce
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“My new knight mistress is famed for wielding sharp edges: Sword, Knife and Tongue!”
Tamora Pierce
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“I truly love our Code of Chivalry. We are taught that noblemen must take everything and say nothing. Noblemen must stand alone. Well, we're men, and men aren't born to stand alone.-Myles of Olau”
Tamora Pierce
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“Gran, for the gods' love, it's talk like yours that starts riots!" I said keeping my voice down. "Will you just put a stopper in it?"She looked at me and sighed. "Girl, do you ever take a breath and wonder if folk don't put out bait for you? To see if you'll bite? You'll never get a man if you don't relax."My dear old Gran. It's a wonder her children aren't every one of them as mad as priests, if she mangles their wits as she mangles mine."Granny, "I told her, "this is dead serious. I can't relax, no more than any Dog. I'm not shopping for a man. That's the last thing I need.”
Tamora Pierce
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“She would have kissed him, if she kissed stupid men.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Curse him for being all tight muscle, with ivory skin and a mouth as soft as rose petals. Curse him for having hair as fair as the sun, and eyes as black as night. Curse him for having the grace of a cat and deft, cool hands. And now I am having the same argument on paper that I have in my own head on too many nights. I know my choice is sensible, but it isn't my common sense I think with, those times Rosto's stolen a kiss from me.”
Tamora Pierce
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“There is power and there is power, my dear. My power can be vast, in the right places.”
Tamora Pierce
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“A friend had commented once that Neal had a gift for making someone want to punch him just for saying hello.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Mithros's spear, Kel!" he exclaimed. "When did you turn into a real girl?""You said she was a girl already," muttered one of his cousins..."But not a girl-girl, with a chest and all!" protested Owen...."I've been a girl for a while, Owen," Kel informed him."I never realized," her too outspoken friend replied. "It's not like you've got melons or anything, they're just noticeable.”
Tamora Pierce
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“They had almost reached their horses when Neal's unmistakable drawl sounded through the stable: "Joren is so pretty. Say, Garvey, are you two friends because you can have him?”
Tamora Pierce
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“You are a terrifying creature," the Voice told her solemnly. "You do not take your place in your father's tent, letting men make your decisions for you. You ride as a man, you fight as a man, and you think as a man --""I think as a human being," she retorted hotly. "Men don't think any differently from women -- they just make more fuss about being able to.”
Tamora Pierce
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“When it was her own doing, she was always tempted to skip a day, or just glance down, then get back to the ground. Kel had to force herself to keep her vow.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Not one word," Kel warned. "Tobe and I have reached an understanding." Neal's lips twitched. "Why do I feel you did most of the understanding.”
Tamora Pierce
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“You fed it.' The badger sighed. 'Sometimes I think you'll feed anything.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Every now and then I like to do as I'm told, just to confuse people.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Alanna: All I know is that I'm to jump when I'm told and I have no free time.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I love you, Jonathan," she whispered.A long arm snaked around her, and he pulled her against his side."I know," he said. "I just wanted to be sure you knew it, too.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Dale: "No, no--curse it, Beka, you're the prickliest woman I've ever met!" Goodwin: "No, I am. But she comes very close, I have to say." — Dale Rowan and Clara Goodwin when Beka didn't want to accept money for being Dale's "luck”
Tamora Pierce
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“When in doubt, shoot the wizard.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Frostpine made a face. Lifting the cup, he dumped its contents down his throat. “Auugghh!” he yelled, his voice stronger than it had been since his return from the harbor. "Are you trying to kill me, woman?""If I mean to kill someone, I do it," Rosethorn told him. "I don't try.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Do you know, sire, I think that if we live to tell our grandchildren about this war, they will accuse us of making it up.' -Marielle”
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“I bet his mother was a wyvern. -Scamp”
Tamora Pierce
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“Someday I must read this scholar Everyone. He seems to have written so much--all of it wrong.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I well knew the rules to follow with our training Dogs: Speak when you're spoken to. Keep out of the way. Obey all orders. Get killed on your own time.”
Tamora Pierce
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“It's not just children who need heroes.”
Tamora Pierce
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“You mortals are like fish swimming in a globe of glass. That globe is your world. You do not see beyond it.”
Tamora Pierce
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“We could mate. In a year our nestlings would be large enough to mob anyone we like...Should I begin to court you? Do you like grubs or ants better?...I will be here. In case you change your mind about mating.”
Tamora Pierce
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“A good friend will help you up when you fall. A best friend will laugh and try to trip you again.- I'm not sure”
Tamora Pierce
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“We'll be chopped up before you can say 'King Maggot'.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Military folk," Neal said with exaggerated patience, shaking his head. "The only way you know to solve problems is by beating them with a stick.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I swear the sparrows called us ten kinds of idiot when we did it.”
Tamora Pierce
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“You're an obnoxious canker-blossom. Go ooze somewhere else.”
Tamora Pierce
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“What's dry?' 'Good question. Next question!”
Tamora Pierce
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“Why do I get the feeling that if you give me a hard time, I'll tell all of our year-mates your family nickname is Meathead?”
Tamora Pierce
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