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Tara Eglington

Tara Eglington grew up in Byron Bay, Australia, and now lives in Sydney.

Tara is the author of four Young Adult novels: How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You, How to Convince a Boy to Kiss You (titled Kissing Games in the USA), My Best Friend is a Goddess and The Long Distance Playlist. Her books have been published in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.

Tara’s third YA novel My Best Friend is a Goddess was a CBCA 2017 Book of the Year: Older Readers Notable. It was also the #7 best-selling YA title by an Australian author for the year July 2016-June 2017 in Australia.

Tara’s hobbies when she’s not writing include watching endless cat videos on YouTube, planning pretend holidays to the Maldives, and daydreaming about who would play Hayden Paris in the film adaption of How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You.

Tara LOVES to hear from readers, so please say hello via: [email protected], or via the following platforms:







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“I already knew what I’d research. I wrote the words ‘Courtly love’ on my notepad in swirly script, then caught Hayden peering at it.‘Courtly love? Sorry, Aurora, but I think I’ve already got that one in the bag.’‘I think you’d better think again, because I’ve already claimed it,’ I replied. ‘You just said you’re not the Mills & Boon type and, technically, courtly love could be considered historical romance.’ He grinned. ‘As you don’t want to pollute your mind with any clichéd topics, you should probably leave that one to me.’‘You, discussing romance? Ha!’Hayden put on a hurt face. ‘I think I might be alright at it. After all, I’ve been doing a lot of observing lately.’ He gave me a significant look.‘Observing?’ I repeated, curiosity getting the better of me.‘Well, you keep accusing me of spying on your dates,’ he said, and shrugged. ‘So, technically, I guess I’m learning about romance firsthand. It seems kind of brutal, judging from the goodnight ritual I saw last night.’My blood wasn’t boiling, but it was pretty warm. Despite that, I was not going to lose my temper. I was determined that this year Hayden Paris wasn’t going to destroy my composure.”
Tara Eglington
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