I live in Novi, MI. My dream has always been to write stories that inspire self-esteem and acceptance of others. I am now living my dream. I hope that my books inspire children to be well-rounded and to realize that if they have a dream it can come true as well. The main character in "Who I am not what I am" is Janelle a young girl that finds that it is more important to discover "who she is" than to fit into what others want her to be. I hope that you enjoy this book! I am available for school visits, library programs and more. Contact me at whoiamnotwhatiam@yahoo.com
“Don't get me wrong. I love to be alone. When I am by myself, I get to create my own version of reality where I am the popular girl and really pretty, and friends can't wait to talk to me. -Madisyn”
“Looking at my reflection tonight, I see a new girl staring back at me. She has big hair and big eyes and a big heart. Not only is she the perfect size and pretty...she is smart. -Mackenzie”
“I'm at a camp with over 100 girls 11 to 13 years old, around my own age, and I feel like my parents are my only friends. -Mackenzie”
“I don't always think of myself as ethnic...my mom is Black, and my dad is White, and we like to call my race"Bi-racial". Everyone at camp is interesting because they just call me Black. -Mackenzie”
“When I was in the third grade, I did my very best to fail every class so that the kids would like me and stop calling me a teacher's pet. It did not work out for me, though. My best attempts at failure in school garnered me an A- at best, and at my worst, I won awards for being the student of the month. -Mackenzie”
“You are real! Everyone has to be different or the world would be really boring. If we all looked the same, then no one could tell us apart. -Janelle”
“I don't know anyone who remembers meeting their parents when they were a baby so i'm just like everybody else. -Zoey (100% Real)”
“When I first went to kindergarten kids asked me what I was. I did not understand-I'm a person. They explained that I look a little different and it is not as easy to tell which color I am. -Janelle from Who I Am Not What I Am, Tara Michener”