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Tarryn Fisher

I would like to write a novel that every, single person loves, but not even J.K. Rowling could do that. Instead, I try to write stories that pull on people's emotions. I believe that sadness is the most powerful emotion, and swirled with regret the two become a dominating force. I love villains. Three of my favorites are Mother Gothel, Gaston and the Evil Queen who all suffered from a pretty wicked case of vanity (like me). I like to make these personality types the center of my stories.

I love rain, Coke, Starbucks and sarcasm. I hate bad adjectives and the word "smolder". If you read my book-I love you. If you hate my book-I still love you, but please don't be mean to me; I'm half badass, half cry baby.

“Why would he marry a girl like you?”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You die in love more than you live in love.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“This was perfect. I was about a ten on the poison scale. If he needed venom, I could inject it directly into his neck.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I have done a number of things to keep this man. I have lied and cheated. I have been sexy and meek, fierce and vulnerable. I have been everything but myself.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Now that I've been thoroughly mind f--ked, I need a cigarette..”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Maybe the guy loves a good bitch - but you're treading a thin line between attractively bitchy and psycho.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Olivia married sexy Ghandi. No wonder she loves her husband.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“She's not the enemy. She's just a dirty fighter.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You look like trouble. When I was growing up, my mother used to tell me to never trust a redhead.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Leah: 'I thought you loved your husband.'Olivia: 'I love yours too.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“...love was desire and desire was an emptiness.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Love is illogical. You fall into it like a manhole. Then you're just stuck. You die in love more than you live in love.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“When they're together, it's like putting a hurricane and a tornado in the same room - you can feel the tension. I didn't believe in the cliche of soul mates until I saw them together.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Caleb is a pretty nice guy."..."Why would he marry a girl like you?”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I love you too, Olivia. More than I could ever love another soul. There hasn't been a single hour in seven years that I haven't thought of you.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Caleb had been my imperfection, with his slightly Americanized British accent, and the way he could play any sport and quote any philosopher. He was such a mix of class and jock, romance and jerk, it made me crazy.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Handsome, fictional men were so much easier to stomach than real life ones who smelled of Christmas and looked like a Calvin Klein model”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I was a relationship retard. I kicked, shoved, and punched people out of my life, so they never had a chance to hurt me.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I fell in love underneath a tree.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I hated it when literally was used for non-literal things. I popped the tab on my soda can and returned her grin. Over my dead body... literally.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“The kiss. The kiss. The kiss. It was chocolate cake and fizzy passion and goose bumps. No one had ever kissed me like that.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Life always keeps moving, even if it has to drag you along, kicking and screaming.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You almost feel dirty for reading [Gillian Flynn's] books, like you've been forced to join your conscience with those of her morally murky protagonists.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You changed everything. I was so frightened of losing you that I did everything in my power to drive you away. I thought that if I didn't, eventually you would see that you were wasting your time with me and leave anyway.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I think that after the first time you give your heart away, you never get it back. The rest of your life is just you pretending that you still have a heart.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“If I kiss you I'm not going to stop”
Tarryn Fisher
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“It is the last real kiss of my life. I forever cling to that kiss. It was goodbye and I'm sorry and I love you so much.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“For once, I understood the Caleb mania. He was like a jalapeno, bright and smooth, but dangerously hot. A small part of me wanted to bit him.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Life balances itself on a precarious ledge, we can stay safe up high or propel off the edge.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Whether I'm standing behind you or facing you, the view's pretty nice.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You can only give your heart away once, after that, everything else will chase your first love”
Tarryn Fisher
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“Go be with your husband ... before he realises that he's still in love with me”
Tarryn Fisher
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“You will remember every day for the rest of your life because I was the one and you threw me away." And then he left.”
Tarryn Fisher
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“I had now officially secured my front row seat on the train to Hell. Choo choo”
Tarryn Fisher
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“When life kicks me, I kick it back.”
Tarryn Fisher
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