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T.B. McKenzie

I am an English teacher by day, writer by night and father of two in my spare time. For fun, I compete in historical sword fighting. I also have a cat.



“As Mender came toward the bar his confident stride faltered when he realised that it was no simple aquarium for fish. It was a battle tank, and it held two dueling mermen, both near death. Open-mouthed, Mender was transfixed at the sight of flashing silver tails twisting and churning the water as each mermen sought a purchase on the other's neck and torso. The Taverner slammed down a heavy glass, forcing Mender to look down from the imprisoned creatures.”
T.B. McKenzie
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“You said you would take me to the road, Brin accused, realising he had been misled. You said you could not lie. If you had been listening more closely to what I said, the fox explained, looking up at him quite smugly, you'd have noticed I never said anything about the road save that I knew where it lay. Which incidentally is in the opposite direction to that we have come.”
T.B. McKenzie
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“No need for a gag for you, little magickless, the Warlock told him and granted him a wink before turning to face the other boys. But, he added, his head titlting to one side, as for the rest of you....Brin caught one last look at the others, fear in their eyes, before he was once again bundled into the darkness of the canvas sack, the bindings drawn tight.”
T.B. McKenzie
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“For two years I've read the scrolls and learned the language, and I know more about magick than anyone here...You ask what the greatest power is, and I know that niether the dwarf magick of Terus, nor the dragon power of Victus is superior, even though I should say that Terus is because my father's a Mender and his spells come from the Green book. Even the elf magick that is so rare that none in Darton is a master or matron of it, is still just one of the three colours and no better than any other. That's the whole point of the system, and it's stupid...None of the scrolls explain anything, and niether do you. Instead we have to run around an obstacle course, trade jewels between rings and sit here and write rubbish answers to a trick question. And to end it all we have to listen to a Wizard from Celenia and hope to hear some more spells. Well I know as many spells as anyone here, but they're as useless as whistling to me.”
T.B. McKenzie
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“Don't ya wanna hear the secret?' his eyes were narrow and mean, despite the glaze of rum. Louer drained his glass and slammed it to the bar. 'You get happy by learnin' to say 'yes' to what life offers you, but stay happy by rememberin' when to start sayin' 'no'.”
T.B. McKenzie
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“You should never turn down the offer of another man’s story,’ the fox persisted, moving off a little further into the trees ahead. ‘Stories are the only thing that separates us from the animals after all.”
T.B. McKenzie
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