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Tegan Quin

“No matter whether you’re a gay or a mixed race couple; when you’re drawn together, ultimately it doesn’t matter what everybody thinks because it’s so honest, true, and sincere. How can that be wrong?”
Tegan Quin
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“All I said to you, all i did for you, seems so silly to me now.”
Tegan Quin
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“I love Sara’s music and there’s no one else i’d rather share a face with and I try to remember that I actually enjoy being around her.”
Tegan Quin
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“We, gays, can get married in Canada. We let heterosexuals too, but that was a huge thing, we had to have a referendum and a vote, it’s crazy! But then we were like, if they want to get married.. that’s cool. That’s gonna destroy their relationships, but.. Heterosexuals deserve the same rights as homosexuals.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'm always right, always wrong. Dressing bad's like loving you there is nothing i haven't worn. Nothing, I haven’t said before. You are nothing I haven’t felt before.”
Tegan Quin
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“Hello? It's where I've been so goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Hello? It's you and me so goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.”
Tegan Quin
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“Okay you found me out. Beyond without a doubt, your lie is safe with me. A friend, i'm sure you are. And on this day so far, I've fallen hundred see?”
Tegan Quin
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“I don't need company in the company of you. And I don't need love, 'Cause your love will do. And I've got you. And you've got me. And that's all we need.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'll get right on right about you, you've got trouble right about now, you've got trouble right about now.”
Tegan Quin
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“Rise up, wise up, say it loud. Soul, I will not lie to you. I'm all alone. I'm still missing you, missing you, missing you.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'm still missing you. Well I guess that I have, I guess that I have never really had you.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'm infamous for being infamous. I don’t think you’re so famous miss. I miss everything, When you’re away from me.”
Tegan Quin
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“If you’ve got it to give, You’ve got to give it all. If you’ve got it to give, You've got to give it all. Oh give it all to me.”
Tegan Quin
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“I’m the type of girl, When you fall in love,You fall forever.”
Tegan Quin
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“Make a map of what you see,Direct pain effectively.”
Tegan Quin
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“Endless nights took on my whole life. Or so I thought. It turns out that all your friends, they were just mean, dressed up.”
Tegan Quin
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“Every second I spend waiting,Drags me closer to this grave.I'm not alone.No, I'm just on my own.”
Tegan Quin
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“Don't be so hard on yourself. You won't get better till you get worse, yeah you send a little smile my way. And don't be so hard on yourself. You won't get better til you get worse, yeah you send a little love my way.”
Tegan Quin
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“I got uncertain from this, I'll be perfect from now on. But all my promises, they're out the window once you're gone. You pack your bags. You say I love you but I cannot stay.”
Tegan Quin
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“I work so much, I miss the sun shine away. I sleep so little, Watch the stars fade into day.”
Tegan Quin
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“I get so sad that sad gets to be.So scared that all my feelings they up and leave me. I got so city girl on you. I go so crazy I don't know what to do.”
Tegan Quin
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“I cried so hard that you pushed me further away. I screamed so loud you called the police on me. I got so city girl on you.”
Tegan Quin
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“When we were doing interviews for our bio, I described hearing that song for the first time to be like Sara was standing on my chest. I just felt really sad, and that was having heard all the other songs in order leading up to that one. I know that when Sara was writing these songs it was during the end of her relationship and it was someone she’d been friends with for almost ten years and been with for four years. It was just the psyche of it, when you’ve known someone for half your life, literally, and then have to leave them, and not necessarily because you want to but just because it’s the right thing to do, and it’s just not healthy and you’re not good anymore, there’s no growth and you have to have growth. And when I hear that song, the idea of that all happening just makes me sick to my stomach a little bit. But it’s in an enjoyable way.”
Tegan Quin
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“If you're a sports star and you say 'faggot' on the courts, you get fined. But if you're in music and you say it 234 times, you get an MTV music award.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'm quite sure we'll find one another, in a place better than this, a time filled with us.”
Tegan Quin
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“I always say that anybody who’s single ― like Sara ― their love is the most intense love. The heartbreak they’re enduring is the most intense heartbreak. We cannot understand what Sara’s going through. When it’s love, it’s my love, you can’t understand it. You can’t compare. But I really related to where Sara was on this record. When she was writing these songs and coming to me like: You don’t understand, I was like: You’re right, but I also do.”
Tegan Quin
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“You went away. Cause you said that you can't stand me. So I went away. I was sure that you can't stand me. Well I don't think we have to be like this forever. Is there more to life than love and being together?”
Tegan Quin
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“The time you've got me running. The time, you've got me tired. Well I've got more for the world than this.And I've got love that I need to give.”
Tegan Quin
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“I want to show girls you don't have to get married and have kids and give up you dreams. You can conquer the world. YOu can play in front of a crowd of 20,000 people, and you can own that shit.”
Tegan Quin
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“When your love lets you go you only want love more, even when love wasn’t what you were looking for.”
Tegan Quin
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“What I love about being queer is... Everything. I like that it makes me different, and I like that it makes people uncomfortable sometimes. I like that it makes people ask me lots of questions about things they probably would not normally ask people about their relationships or lifestyles. And most of all I love being queer because i get to have a girlfriend.”
Tegan Quin
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“Promise me you'll never go away.Promise me you'll always stay.”
Tegan Quin
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“If I gave you my number would it still be the same If I saved you from drowning?”
Tegan Quin
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“Imagine you're so far away no matter what you do, no matter what you say, you couldn't stop the world for a moment.”
Tegan Quin
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“Convinced that we're living the whole time that we're dying.We decide to go out walking the whole time that you're talking.Convinced that you're living whole time that I'm dying.”
Tegan Quin
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“Most women look at magazines and then they just feel bad about themselves but Sara looks at magazines and she’s all like I can get with her.”
Tegan Quin
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“I saw my first angel.And it was you.”
Tegan Quin
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“Take my heart while you're at it why don't you sign me up to sell me out.”
Tegan Quin
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“Every moment was that moment, every day was that day, every second was that second, and I've lost myself again.”
Tegan Quin
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“My whole life revolves around your absence until I can't remember what I do, what I know. Or where I go.”
Tegan Quin
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“Hard core superstar by far you're the ultimate star. Do you wanna be a superstar? Well that's what you are. You're gonna be a star. Do you wanna be a superstar?”
Tegan Quin
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“So I'm gonna write it down to scream it out, and I'm never gonna be the same again. Fear is the color you've all exposed, now I gotta get up here and prove the importance of my clothes of my pose. I suppose, again.”
Tegan Quin
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“Dignified in what she does, when she sings the smile that she brings to all of you unaware of what's to come, I said tell me what's to come.”
Tegan Quin
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“Yes I'll come get you, and I will bring you home. I'll come get you, and I will bring you home.I'll come get you, and I'll say: Welcome home.”
Tegan Quin
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“He sat me down. He said he was incomplete. He thinks true love's gonna get him back on his feet. He said you only find love once in your life. So I guess when you find it you're gonna hold it right? You'll hold it right?”
Tegan Quin
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“The night still confuses me, we'd all get tired and have to sleep eventually. Regardless of the sun's demands. Regardless if it made much sense.”
Tegan Quin
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“Hardly happy at all, and I'm ready to take the fall. We pay for the stupid things we've done where I come from. Can you sit through this? Or is it gonna be too deep?”
Tegan Quin
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“Will you ever use common sense, I hear it comes pretty cheap. And if I speak more clearly, if I make more sense. Will you shut your mouth. You won't come across so dense. Close your eyes and then you free your mind.”
Tegan Quin
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“I'm stripped and vital, and I see rules that almost fit. And if I voice my opinion, will you stay and sit? And as I stand here screaming in despair, I say yes this is my life and yes you should care.”
Tegan Quin
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“I used to be free spirited, now I'm just free of sleep. I got a burning passion in my throat. I got a burning passion inside me.”
Tegan Quin
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