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Tenaya Jayne

Reading my bio, huh?

Real life sucks. I bet you feel like that sometimes, maybe even right now. That’s why I write fantasy. I need to escape depression, bitterness, bills, illness…I could go on, but you get it. In the pages of fiction, I can slay the dragons, triumph over the bad guys, be immortal, and never struggle with love handles. For a short time, I can let it all go, and be everything I can’t be in real life. Maybe you’re hurting right now. Maybe you’re in the waiting room of the hospital, or just stuck in traffic. I’ve brought a portal. Come with me…Let’s ditch this crappy popsicle stand and go somewhere great, where we can forget all this, at least for a while.

That’s why I write. I’m not an author, I’m an escape artist.

If you want to come play with me, visit www.tenayajayne.com

“Chapter one is where you reach out your hand to the reader and say, "Come, let's have an adventure together.”
Tenaya Jayne
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“People who don't read fiction really scare me.”
Tenaya Jayne
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