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Teodora Kostova

Teodora is a bestselling, award winning author writing across genres, but has a soft spot for contemporary romance. As a passionate and vocal supporter of equal rights, LGBTQ+ themes are explored in most of her novels. A Creative Writing and English graduate, Teodora began writing full length novels in college, but only got the courage to show some of them to the world long after she graduated. She’s now been published by several publishers in five languages, and has attended book signings around the world. She loves travelling, and her wanderlust has inspired several of her novels. Her other passion is musical theatre and she can often be found in London’s West End trying to score a last minute ticket for a musical.

When she’s not writing, Teodora loves watching anime, rearranging her enormous bookshelves or walking around London, always looking for a cosy, quirky coffee shop to settle in with her Kindle and a cup of tea.

Website: www.teodorakostova.com

Amazon author page: www.amazon.com/author/teodorakostova

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Teodora_Kostova

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teodorakosto...

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/24572...

Instagram: www.instagram.com/teodorika1

Newsletter: https://goo.gl/gwytxF

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come into our lives for a reason; nothing is a coincidence,” Helen finally said, after she’d listened to Stella get everything off her chest. “I know you don’t want to get hurt, darling, but sometimes we have to take risks and explore the possibilities presented in front of us. Remember that film with Jim Carey, ‘Yes man’?”“Yeah?”“Try and be more like him. Say ‘yes’ to things you wouldn’t usually agree to.”“You know, that’s terrible advice coming from a mother to her daughter!”Helen laughed. “Probably. But I know what kind of a daughter I’ve raised. And I trust you.”
Teodora Kostova
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“That girl had ruined his life. He had fallen in love with her fast and hard. Stella had stormed into his perfectly normal life and scrambled it until he didn’t know what was worth fighting for anymore. All his dreams and ambitions featured her now. Every time he imagined his future life, he saw her in it, and every time that happened he had to remind himself that she didn’t want to be imagined there. She didn’t want him, not for the long run.When in fact, Stella was all he wanted.”
Teodora Kostova
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“My life changed in a heartbeat. Just like that” – she snapped her fingers – “everything was taken away from me. My dad and Eric were dead; my cousin and best friend, the only person who knew exactly how I felt, was moving to another country; my aunt didn’t even want to keep in touch. My greatest fear to this day is that people I care about will be torn away from my life and I won’t be able to do anything about it. I realise that’s what most people are afraid of, but I know how it feels at first hand and I never want to go through it again.”
Teodora Kostova
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“A horn sounded in the distance and as Stella turned towards the sea to look at the enormous ship that had produced the sound, her gaze was locked on a scene so beautiful that the picturesque beach paled in comparison. A lifeguard was emerging from the water, his orange trunks stuck to his legs and water dripping from all over him. He shook his head to get rid of some of the water in his hair and Stella felt as if everything started developing in slow motion – tiny drops of water slid from his neck down his broad chest and muscular arms, along a weaving tattoo design on his right shoulder, and continued downwards towards his chest and washboard stomach, finally getting lost in his trunks’ waist. A part of another tattoo was peeking over his trunks on his left hip, the other part hidden under them. His golden, tanned skin glistened in the sun and he moved with such grace that a panther would be deemed clumsy next to him. It was a total Baywatch moment.”
Teodora Kostova
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“I don’t want not to be able to fall in love because I’m scared that my heart will be broken one way or another.”
Teodora Kostova
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“You need this arm? If so, I suggest you remove it from my girlfriend’s shoulders.”
Teodora Kostova
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“Being with Stella, having her so completely, was like waking up from a dream; all his senses were so heightened that he wasn’t sure if he was still dreaming or not.It was perfect.She was perfect.”
Teodora Kostova
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“When life gives you lemons, take out the salt and the shot-glasses and fill them up with tequila. Fight for what you really want and never, ever settle for anything less. Don't exist. Live.”
Teodora Kostova
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“We do this my way now. I'm going to make love to you slowly until you melt in my hands. He said huskily.”
Teodora Kostova
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