“Kevlar wrist cuffs in place, smoke bombs in left cargo pocket, zip ties in the right, and my handy-dandy, military-grade, metal detector-defying, twin APS daggers snug in their sheaths and hidden inside my steel-toe Doc Martens. Nothing like a well-stocked pair of black cargoes to make me feel girly.”
“Monsters have the worst taste in women.”
“So, what you're saying," Dad says, "is that when you've been telling your mother and me that you are studying at a friend's, you've actually been roaming the streets hunting monsters.""No, not always," I say. "Most of the time I was at Gretchen's loft, studying. Training.""Gretchen's loft?" Mom echoes. "That's where you were last night?"My cheeks burn. "No, I was in Greer's basement.""Gretchen's loft blew up," Greer offers.”
“We all know Damian's big on secrecy. The man makes the CIA look like a gabfest. He is Mr Need-To-Know.As in, students never need to know.”
“The Library of Alexandria?" I ask. "Didn't that burn down?"Mrs Philipoulus scoffs. "Damn fool Hypatia. Athena tried to convince her to install a sprinkler system. But no-o-o, no one was going to tell the librarianatrix how to run her library.”
“NO SHORTS or SANDAL!! This for your own protection.Tomorrow's boot camp will be something SPECIAL! Meet in front of the maintenance shed at the north end of the quad at 10 A.M! Latecomers will be left behind and this is a day you will not want to miss! - Adara - I roll my eyes. Besides her overuse of exclamation points and her tendency to yell, the idea that we're doing "something special" in camp tomorrow is not exciting. It's terrifying.”
“He has definitely cornered the market on enigma. I hope Stella goes for the deeply layered type.”
“Troy, I have to find out what happened to my dad.""We know what happened to your dad. He got smoted. End of story.”
“You're not seriously going?" Troy asks."Of course I'm going," I say. "What other choice do I have?""Um...not going.”
“Did you-"Griffin shoves past him and grabs me by the shoulders. "Are you alright?" "Of course. Didn't they tell you?"From the dark look in his normally bright eyes, I'm going to guess no. He twists to look back over his shoulder and practically growls. "They didn't tell me anything. Except that I had to wait out here.""Um, I need to go," Troy says, backing down the steps. "I have class in the morning.""Coward," I taunt.”
“We believe in you, Phoebe," Stella says. "You just have to believe in yourself."I roll my eyes behind the blindfold. As if that's not a cheesy, movie-of-the-week line.”
“Quince reaches me, and instead of wrapping me in a hug like I expect, he reaches for my hair. I try to swim back, away from the near-desperate look in his eyes, afraid that he’s going to fail the test.He tugs something from my hair.I look down and see a Padina antillarum—a beautiful little seaweed shaped like ginkgo leaves—in his hand. And it’s glowing.“You,” he says with an explosive grin. “You are the sixteenth object.”
“if you stop to listen every once in a while, you might hear good things.”
“Quince leans in over the map, studying, and I think he’s going to ask me something about the kingdoms or my plan or Daddy’s trident.Instead, without taking his eyes off the map, he asks, “What happens if I fail?”“What?” I whisper.“If I don’t pass the three tests,” he says. “What’s the consequence?”I suck in a shaky breath. This is the part I didn’t want to talk about, the part I hoped he wouldn’t ask about. But I guess he’s too clever—or has learned too much about how mer-world magic works—to assume there won’t be a price.There is, and it’s a big one.“If you fail,” I say, keeping my voice steady, “then you are banished from the water forever.”He lifts his Caribbean-blue eyes to stare into mine. “And?”“And?” I echo.“I know that can’t be it,” he says. “Nothing in your world is ever that simple.”A part of my heart breaks when he calls it my world. I want it to feel like his world, too. But now isn’t the time. He’s right; there’s more to the consequence of failure than him being exiled.“And . . . ,” I say, wishing I didn’t have to tell him this, “I’ll be banished from land.” I swallow hard. “Forever.”He stares into my eyes, unblinking, and I can’t read any sort of reaction. His mind is racing, I’m sure, but everything on the outside is a stone facade.Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he says, “Then I won’t fail.”
“E-mail can be so impersonal - and so open to interpretation.”
“From the necks up... well, whoever said two heads are better than one never met a hydra.”
“Feel the victory inside you.”
“Love doesn't care about prejudices.”
“I am interested in you, Gretchen." When I still won't look at him, he presses his fingers against my jaw and gently turns my face. He is looking straight in my eyes when he says, "I'm interested in you."His midnight blues burn with an intensity that almost makes me believe him. Makes me want to believe him. He knows just the right thing to say to mess with my mind. He always has. He leans closer, watching me. His lips are a breath away from mine.This time I'm not buying it.My knee connects with his soft spot and he doubles over, gasping for air."Find your own way home," I snap before turning and marching back to my car.”
“Per alcuni il caos è bellezza.”
“Oh, Lily", mormora, scuotendo la testa. "Ne so parecchio dell'amore. So cosa significa volere una ragazza, sognarla e desiderarla con tutta l'anima. Ne so abbastanza da non confondere cosa è reale e cosa invece è solo frutto della mia fantasia."Gira un pochino la testa per guardarmi, e io mi ritrovo a dire: "Ti-tipo?""Tipo quando lei piange e il mio cuore va in mille pezzi e tutto quello cui riesco a pensare è come farle dimenticare la causa della sua tristezza." Il suo viso è impassibile, senza l'ombra di un'emozione. Le sue parole, e tutto il sentimento che sottintendono e che mi travolgono grazie al legame, rendono tutto molto chiaro. "Questa è realtà."La mia voce è appena un sussurro quando gli dico: "E la fantasia?""Credere che prima o poi anche lei proverà le stesse cose per me.”
“How do you expect to do that?",I asked,"Do you have some sort of get-out-of-Hades-free card?”
“His hand cups the back of my neck, and before I can think, he dips down and our mouths meet. For a split second I worry that he thinks he's kissing Courtney. But that instant the warmth of his soft lips spreads into mine, all thoughts dissolve. Pure feeling is all I have left. Little electric sparks sip through my bloodstream, making sure every nerve in my body is focused on his amazing mouth.”
“All right," Shannen says slowly, tucking a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear. "Why did you glue that dolphin upside down?" Okay, so I'm a little distracted. "He's doing the back stroke.”
“For the first time, I want to let people in. I didn't want to hang up on Nick. I had to. Because, for the first time, I wanted to say yes.”
“So sweet and innocent and just... beautiful. I know it's not a typical word to describe a guy, but there is something about the smooth texture of his skin, long blond eyelashes, and the chiseled cheekbones that brings the adjective to mind.”
“Trying to will yourself bigger boobs?”
“Self-involved? Self-involved?!?" I jump to my feet, unable to sit still. "Let's talk about self-involved, Mr. Kissing Unsuspecting Girls in Libraries.”
“He winks at me.Then, before Calliope can cheer my statement, or tell him to go, he says, "Lily has no sense of fashion.""Hey," I cry. "You're supposed to say something nice.”
“Sound doesn't carry as well through gills. You have to use a different level of your vocal chords." I point to the spot just above his Adam's apple. "Higher."He just stares at me, looking confused——but breathing like he was born to it."Pretend you're talking like a girl."No way, he mouths, shaking his head.Stupid male ego.”
“I know about love. U know about wanting and dreaming and wishing with every piece of your soul. I know enough to recognize the difference between the parts that are real and the parts are only in my fantasy.'... 'Like when she cries and my heart tears into little shreds, and all I can think of is making her forget the source of her sadness.'... 'Thats real.'... 'And fantasy... 'Believing she might ever feel the same way.”
“Hello?""You should check the curtains before you take a bath, princess,"a deep, mocking voice says."Wha-" I half scream, half yelp as I sit bolt upright in the bath............"Priceless,"he howls, still laughing. You never fail to amuse, princess.”
“Stupid male ego.”
“I'm going to teach you to ride Princess." "Princess?" "My motorcycle." I laugh. "You named your motorcycle Princess?" "What can I say?" he teases. "I call all my favorite things princess.”
“I've survived beach bunny cheerleaders, a sluthunting , ex-boyfriend, and five years of cross-country camp. I'm not afraid of some throwback to ancient myth with astrocious highlights and a Barbra Streisand nose.”
“Authorities tend to frown on things they can't fit into a neat little box.”
“Horror stories? Absolutely. To share? Not on your life.”
“Some people find beauty in chaos.”
“To the untrained (human) eye, Thalassinia looks like an expanse of coral reefs and volcanic formations. There are no straight lines or geometric shapes to give away the fact that the structures are actually mermade. (Get it? Mermade. Like mermaid, but…oh, never mind.)”
“I know about love. I know about wanting and dreaming and wishing with every piece of your soul. I know enough to recognize the parts that are real and the parts that are only fantasy.' ... 'Like when she cries and my heart tears into little shreds and all I can think about is making her forget the source of her saddness.' ... 'Thats real.' ... 'And fantisy?' 'Believing she might ever feel the same way.' ... 'Why didn't you tell her? The girl you love. Why didn't you tell her how you feel?' ... 'Because,' ... 'she doesn't want to know.”
“i love mermaids i cant live without books about them.”
“To: lostphoebe@theacademy.grFrom: gblake@theacademy.grSubject: If I could do it over......I wouldn't treat you so badly. I'm sorry.Today wasn't about the bet.Give me another chance.GJust like him: brief, cryptic, and full of crap.”
“Are you going to distract me by playing footsie?""Absolutely, princess," he says with a wink. "Then I won't remember a thing.""It's a samurai training technique," he teases, spinning the test prep book toward him. "I distract you as much as possible right now." He slides the book into his lap. "And you'll learn how to test through anything.”
“Pleased to meet you," Tellin says, shaking me out of my reverie. "Lily told me much about you last weekend." "Funny." Quince throws me a questioning glance. "She didn't mention you at all.”
“You'll do fine.""What, you're psychic now?""Didn't you know?" he asks seriously. "Must be an aftereffect of the bond.”
“You'll get in," Quince assures me, proving once again that he can read my mind, even without a magical bond. "And if you don't," he adds, slinging an arm around my shoulders, "you can always take over for me at the lumberyard.""Ha ha," I reply, sending a sharp elbow into his ribs."Lighten up, princess.”
“You're watching me, princess." His soft lips spread into an appreciative smile. "People might get the wrong idea.""What, that I actually like you now?" I tease.He shakes his head and leans toward me. "No, that you're trying to see past me to get an eyeful of Benson."-------------------------------------------I shift my gaze to the board and fix an innocent look on my face. "What makes you think that's the WRONG idea?"Quince leans even closer and says, "Because you came back for me.”
“How do you always know just what to say?" I ask. His laugh rumbles through me. "Practice, I guess."I pull back and give him a quizzical look."I spent three years imagining what I would say to you if you were mine," he says, tugging me close. "I should hope I know what to say now that I've got you.”
“Quince...why didn't you ever tell her? This girl you love. Why didn't you tell her how you feel?"..."Because"- his voice is heavy with a kind of resigned sadness-"She doesn't want to know."Lily & Quince pg.223”
“This just isn't my day. Or my week. Or maybe my life. No, sadly, this is my life. Lily pg. 102”