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Publius Terentius Afer (c. 195/185–159 BC), better known in English as Terence, was a playwright of the Roman Republic, of North African descent. His comedies were performed for the first time around 170–160 BC. Terentius Lucanus, a Roman senator, brought Terence to Rome as a slave, educated him and, later on, impressed by his abilities, freed him. Terence, apparently, died young, probably in Greece or on his way back to Rome. His six verse comedies, that were long regarded as models of pure Latin, form the basis of the modern comedy of manners.

One famous quotation by Terence reads: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me." This appeared in his play, Heauton Timorumenos.

“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.I am human, and think nothing human alien to me.”
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“Homo sum et humani nihil a me alienum puto.”
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“إن اي شئ لايكون صعباً إلا عندما تقوم به رغماً عنك”
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“Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges”
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“I am a human being, so nothing human is strange to me.”
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