I have been reading and writing, basically, ever since I learned how to, and everything I've done has pretty much been connected to those two things. I went to college at a small, fantastic school (with a super writing program) called St. Andrews Presbyterian College. I got my Master's degree in Creative Writing from Florida State. I have worked as an event coordinator at a major chain bookstore; as a freelance writer; a composition instructor; an editorial assistant at an NYC publisher; as manager of an independent children's bookstore, in Decatur, GA, Little Shop of Stories (where I still work as a bookseller); and as Program Director of the AJC Decatur Book Festival.
“no one wants to be a girl who’s picked out her own embroidered heart, string by string, and left it for the birds to tangle in their nests.”
“I’m tired of pretending, tired of acting like everything’s okay, tired of not being with him…”
“the goal is to keep yourself moving, remember? don't linger. don't hover. you are not going to stay.”
“they have seen the likes of you before, they may be intrigued by the looks of you, but they know that you-like everyone else-will leave them in the end.”
“my own chocolate center has filled up with poison,the roses he gave me all twisted black”
“...because there will never be any boy's wrist to tie the balloon of your helium heart to (it has floated high far away from the heavy stone of that unnameable boy in chicago), you would never be with someone and then someone else, and you would definitely never be someone to someone else's else.”
“It's all eggs and milk in here, and those have expiration dates, so.”
“I was hiding my heart and you were hiding yours too and we played hide and seek together and both of us lost.”
“That’s your problem, Char. You’re friends with all these boys . . .”
“I know—better than anyone—that once someone’s made up her mind to leave you, there’s nothing you can do to make her stay.”
“I wasn't aware that was how I felt, either, until it was out. And now that I've said it like that, I'm not exactly sure it is how I feel. But this isn't a piece of paper I can crumple up and throw away. they aren't words I can cross out to start over. Now they're out, and I know they'll hang here, between us, maybe forever.”
“writing, you are a girl on a trapeze, swinging high in the air. you know there is no one on the other side to catch you. but your costume is spangly and all eyes are on you and at some point you'll leap--at some point you'll flip. and there may be no net--though it may also be intact, you can't see--but at this point the jumping is everything--it's all that you've got. and as you write you understand this, you understand you won't hit send, but for now you are swinging, swinging, swinging wildly in the air. your eyes are open, your arms are outstretched.”
“You're swimming so hard in this ocean. Don't you know if you float, it will always hold you up?”
“It's so awful when you need something from someone else, even though you're not sure what it is, and then you don't get it.”
“and it is hard to let go, to imagine alternatives, but you are bold with unknowing, you are ready to explore.”