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Terra Whiteman

The Hymn of the Multiverse is on its last arc, and Her Dark Trinity is just beginning. If you'd like to receive notifications of new book releases, subscribe to my mailing list here: http://eepurl.com/dDFIy5

“Their wine was probably the best I’d ever had, and I was quickly coming to the conclusion that the creation of alcohol was probably an instinctual trait throughout all intelligent life. A silly concept, I know, but it had to be more than a coincidence that every world I’d ever been to had some form of alcoholic beverage. It was as if the first thing creatures did when they achieved a level of intelligence that no longer required them spending their entire lives scavenging for food or reproducing, was look for ways to get fucked up.”
Terra Whiteman
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“At that particular moment, Leid was the most peculiar and beautiful creature I had ever met. And I would have never thought in the subsequent years that I’d come to hate her so.”
Terra Whiteman
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