After graduating Vassar College with honors, Ms. Cheney attended UCLA School of Law. After years of secretly struggling with manic depression, Ms. Cheney decided to leave the law and devote her advocacy skills toward a cause that is closer to her heart: writing about her illness, and encouraging the mentally ill to tell their own stories.
--from the author's website
“The memory of sustenance is a terrible thing. Far worse, I think, than actual starving. Starving just kills you. Longing can gnaw away at you forever.”
“The cruelest curse of the disease is also its most sacred promise: You will not feel this way forever.”
“-Hola -dijo- soy Jesucristo. Pero puedes llamarme Jesús, o Señor, si lo prefieres.-¿Señor? -pregunté, tratando torpemente de ser graciosa. Es decir, aquello tenia que ser una broma. Jesucristo en un hospital psiquiátrico... Menudo tópico.-Señor Dios, por supuesto -respondió, frunciendo el ceño con desconcierto- ¿Acaso eres judía? En ese caso, no hay problema, puedes decirme Cristo.-No, soy católica, he sido bautizada y educada según la religión.-Entonces, tendrías que haberte arrodillado al entrar -me amonestó, y se apresuró a hacer en el aire la señal de la cruz- Por esta vez, te perdono. Pero que no vuelva a ocurrir -dijo. Después me miró con esos ojos de donde parecían surgir dos rayos láser y se me heló el corazón. Me pregunté si era posible que Jesús aun estuviera vivo y que hubiera terminado en ese lugar. La linea que separa el carisma de la locura suele ser muy fina.”
“Comprendí que la autentica belleza no reside en la ausencia de fealdad sino en su aceptación.”
“These flies were half the size of my fist. They came at you and stuck to you with a single-minded purpose you had to admire. We were hopelessly outnumbered, but we still slapped and kicked and karate-chopped ourselves until we reached an uneasy truce.”
“ is a chemical imbalance, too. That perilous highs and desperate lows and extravagant flurries of mood are not always symptoms of a broken mind, but signs of a beating heart.”
“[ ] manic sex isn't really intercourse. It's dicourse, just another way to ease the insatiable need for contact and communication. In place of words, I simply spoke with my skin.”
“Stories don't always have to end happily.. Sometimes it's just enough that they end.”
“True beauty is not the absence of ugliness, but the acceptance of it.”
“Was drug induced happy still happy? Was it the right kind of happy? Did it count?”
“Without the darkness, how can we ever hope to understand the light?”