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Terri Clark

Terri Clark feels blessed to demonstrate her passion for young adult fiction as both a teen librarian and author. For as long as she can remember she’s been fascinated with the paranormal, so it’s little wonder her stories dabble in the dark and different. Her next book, Hollyweird , will be released May 8, 2012 with Flux Books and you can currently read her in the Hunger Games related anthology The Girl Who Was On Fire from Pop Smart books. You can visit Terri online at www.TerriClarkBooks.com and at www.facebook.com/terriclarkbooks.

“My heart battered against my ribs, my breath stalled and I gazed up into his laughing, smiling eyes...eyes that suddently glowed crimson and cruel.”
Terri Clark
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“Are we talking hell hounds and flames here?" Des asked, pacing at the end of our beds.I repeated the question and gave a heaving sigh of relief when Jameson said I had the wrong idea."He's going to 'lead us into temptation.'""That doesn't sound so bad," Des said with a cheeky grin.”
Terri Clark
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“I didn't want to go to hell, but even the idea of reclaining my halo scared me because it would mean leaving Aly.”
Terri Clark
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“We could use all the blessings we could get. The impact of what we were about to do hit me like an anvil on Wile E. Coyote's head. We were heading out to stop Satan's son and save the world from certain destruction. Piece of cake.”
Terri Clark
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