Terri Farley is the best-selling author of books about the contemporary and historic West. Her PHANTOM STALLION series has sold over 2 million books world-wide and it relaunches with new art & content in March 2023.
Terri's most recent non-fiction book Wild at Heart: Mustangs and the Young People Fighting to
Save Them (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) is a Junior Library Guild selection; winner of the
Sterling North Heritage award for Excellence in Children's Literature.
Terri's only contemporary fantasy is SEVEN TEARS INTO THE SEA.
Terri is an advocate for the West's wild horses and for young people helping to make their voices heard.
“What did you say, Gram? About there being no church out here?" "I said that the sky was the roof of my cathedral and the desert was its floor and any time I paid attention, I could feel a higher power all around me.”
“It's true that the two halves were no longer hinged. They weren't clinging to each other, but each was a cream-colored wing with a rosy flush inside. I held one half in each hand. If I took this shell across the room or across the universe, and the other one stayed here, they'd still be two halves of a whole, and anyone would know they belonged together.”
“Dad and Gram didn't take a single day on the ranch for granted. Regardless of the weather, the greeted each morning as if they'd embrace it, filling their eyes with a vaulting sky and sagebrush-coverd ridges. Then they gave silent prayer of thanks for living the life they loved.”
“And there was no way to unsay words you'd blurted out, no matter how sorry you were.”
“The best words I ever heard about making your own reputation," Gram said, looking over her shoulder into the back seat, "is that you come into the world crying while everyone is smiling at the miracle of you, and you should live your life so when you leave it, you're smiling, but everyone else is crying because the miracle of you is gone.”
“I was doing it again, and I do NOT ogle strangers.”
“Listen twice as much as you talk, since you were born with two ears and one mouth.”
“Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.”
“Beckon The Sea,I'll Come To The....Shed Seven Tears, Perchance Seven Years....”
“It never seemed fair that just when you're old enough to do anything you want, you can't. You have to start working, so there's no time. And if there is time, you're not working, so there's no money.”
“Courtship? Had I said courtship? What did I think, that this was Jane freakin' Eyre?”
“The waves, the girl in the rain, and that awful, blood-begotten stom. Blood and love and loss.”
“As if I were a dog, to follow at your heels.”
“We were meant to be together.”
“For the Phantom, there is only one girl. For Sam, there is only one horse.”
“Morning's great that way. You can cry yourself to sleep and wake up wondering what the fuss was over.”
“Gwen?" "Yes.""You know why we have to be together, don't you?""...""I'm your selkie.”