Terry  Riley photo

Terry Riley

Terry Riley was ordained by The Aquarain Tabernacle Church in 1993 and currently is the Regional Elder for the ATC in the mid-south area of the U.S. He is the founding High Priest of The Southern Delta Church of Wicca - ATC, https://www.sdcw-atc.org/ established in 1994. He is a professor teaching at Woolston Steen Theological Seminary. http://wiccanseminary.edu/

Terry has been an active promoter of Wicca/Pagan religions. He has been featured in Newsweek Magazine, TV shows, The Jane Whitney Show and Inside Edition. Terry has been featured in hundreds of newspaper articles around the world.

Follow him https://www.facebook.com/terry.m.riley

“It's not what happens to you in life that matters; what matters is how you deal with it!”
Terry Riley
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