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Terry Ryan

“From then on, we knew there could never be a problem bigger than Mom's ability to solve it.”
Terry Ryan
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“At that moment we knew that as long as we used our brains, we were not victims. By striking out to write our own ticket, we would grow up to be like our mother, winners.”
Terry Ryan
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“Writer's ResolutionEnough's Enough! No more shall IPursue the Muse and scorch the pieOr dream of Authoring a bookWhen I (unhappy soul) must cook;Or burn the steak while I wool-gather,And stir my spouse into a latherInvoking words like "Darn!" and suchAnd others that are worse (Oh, much!)Concerning culinary knackWhich I (HE says) completely lack.I'll keep my mind upon my work;I'll learn each boresome cooking quirk;This day shall mark a new leaf's turning...That smell! Oh Hell! The beans are burning!”
Terry Ryan
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“Sometimes when your life seems most out of control, you know there's a direction. I don't mean you can't have free will--in fact, that can be the most important part.”
Terry Ryan
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