The Grimm Brothers photo

The Grimm Brothers

German philologist and folklorist Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm in 1822 formulated Grimm's Law, the basis for much of modern comparative linguistics. With his brother Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859), he collected Germanic folk tales and published them as

Grimm's Fairy Tales


Indo-European stop consonants, represented in Germanic, underwent the regular changes that Grimm's Law describes; this law essentially states that Indo-European p shifted to Germanic f, t shifted to th, and k shifted to h. Indo-European b shifted to Germanic p, d shifted to t, and g shifted to k. Indo-European bh shifted to Germanic b, dh shifted to d, and gh shifted to g.

This jurist and mythologist also authored the monumental

German Dictionary

and his

Deutsche Mythologie


Adapted from Wikipedia.

“don't trust somebody who can't trust you”
The Grimm Brothers
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“She'll sting you one day,Oh, ever so gently,so you hardly ever feel it.'til you fall dead.”
The Grimm Brothers
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