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I am British living in Britain. My daughter was illegally removed to Germany in 2006. I have contacted a lot of human rights organisations and very important people. I've asked ambassadors, including the US, German, French and UK. No senior politician, lawyer, civil or human rights group, ambassador, police commissioner, journalist, judge, publisher or media publicist has ever really helped.

I've had letters go missing so many times it's not statistically probable. Evidence has been destroyed at the Royal Courts of Justice. I can go on and on. In the end, I recorded my story in my book, The Key?.

“We need democracy and meritocracy, not mockracy and hypocrisy.”
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“Loyalty in the legal world is distorting its own peculiar sense of reality. Loyalty is the legal world's gravity: it holds that world together; it is omnipotent; it cannot be seen but its effects are observable; it can be a powerful force of destruction. As it grows stronger and more powerful, one can only hope such a strange world will be ultimately crushed by its own “weight.”
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“It was as if love was a mix of an omnipotent force and time, which holds us together, cannot be destroyed and never dies: like the fabric of the universe.”
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