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Theodora Taylor

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Theodora Taylor writes hot books with heart. When not reading, reviewing or writing, she enjoys spending time with her amazing family, going on dating nights with her wonderful husband, and attending parties thrown by others.

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Theodora Taylor schreibt feurige Bücher mit Herz. Wenn sie nicht gerade selbst liest, schreibt oder Deutsch lernt, verbringt sie am liebsten Zeit mit ihrer Familie oder geht mit ihrem wundervollen Mann aus.

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“Okay you know what, I'm through with you and your threats and your blackmail. Just go ahead and kill me already”
Theodora Taylor
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“Eva burst out laughing, remembering the complete wardrobe makeover she'd had to perform on Alexei after she opened his closet and found some of the busiest open-collared, polyester dress shirts known to man.”
Theodora Taylor
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