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Theodore Roszak

Theodore Roszak was Professor Emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. He is best known for his 1969 text, The Making of a Counter Culture.

Roszak first came to public prominence in 1969, with the publication of his The Making of a Counter Culture[5] which chronicled and gave explanation to the European and North American counterculture of the 1960s. He is generally credited with the first use of the term "counterculture".

“Ochii sunt portile raiului si iadului.”
Theodore Roszak
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“Dumnezeu e-n ochi. La fel si Diavolul, de fiecare data cand clipesti.”
Theodore Roszak
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“Meanwhile, as the party ascended to ever dizzier alcoholic altitudes...”
Theodore Roszak
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“The art of cinema begins with scraping the chewing gum off the seats.”
Theodore Roszak
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“The blood is our strength, for it is the power of the heavens and the Earth within us”
Theodore Roszak
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“It may, after all, be the bad habit of creative talents to invest themselves in pathological extremes that yield remarkable insights but no durable way of life for those who cannot translate their psychic wounds into significant art or thought.”
Theodore Roszak
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“Environmentalists, by and large, are very deeply invested in tactics that have worked to their satisfaction over the last thirty years, namely scaring and shaming people.... I am questioning whether you can go on doing that indefinitely ... [pushing] that same fear-guilt button over and over again. As psychologists will tell you, when a client comes in with an addiction, they are already ashamed. You don't shame them further.”
Theodore Roszak
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“La recherche d'une réalité communautaire prend la forme d'une opération de sauvetage massive. J'estime que c'est la grande aventure de notre temps, infiniment plus valable pour l'homme que la conquête de l'espace. Elle représente le retour et le renouveau de l'ancienne gnose. Pour ceux qui répondent à l'appel, ce qui se passe dans le monde des sciences, malgré sa place encore considérable dans le politique gouvernementales, perdra de plus en plus son sens existentiel. À leurs yeux, les scientifiques et leurs nombreux émoules feront figure de clergé archaïque, à la liturgie professionnelle absurde, occupé à échanger ses connaissances, soi-disant à la disposition du public, dans le sanctuaire secret de leur église de l'État.”
Theodore Roszak
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“Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope and the telescope.”
Theodore Roszak
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