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Thom Satterlee

Thom Satterlee’s God's Liar is the winner of Christianity Today's 2021 Award of Merit in fiction. His poetry collection Burning Wyclif was a 2007 American Library Association Notable book and a finalist for the L.A. Times Book Award. Other recognitions include two National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships and awards from PEN America and the American-Scandinavian Foundation. He lives in Indiana.

“He couldn’t understand how I could be so bright in my other classes and a total failure in his. I must not be trying hard enough, he told me. In truth, I didn’t care, and I didn’t want to care. Geometric shapes with their dangerously sharp angles seemed the mortal enemies of words, and formulas were written in a hostage-taking language that made me despair of ever freeing the words from their captors. The best I could do was to avoid the enemy and save myself.”
Thom Satterlee
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