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Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is a senior fellow of the Mises Institute and host of The Tom Woods Show, which releases a new episode every weekday. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard and his master’s, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University. Woods has appeared on CNBC, MSNBC, FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network, C-SPAN, and Bloomberg Television, among other outlets, and has been a guest on hundreds of radio programs, including National Public Radio, the Dennis Miller Show, the Michael Reagan Show, the Dennis Prager Show, and the Michael Medved Show.

Woods is the author of twelve books, most recently Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion, Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse and Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century.

Woods also co-hosts a weekly podcast with economist Bob Murphy called Contra Krugman that teaches economics by responding to the New York Times column written by Paul Krugman.

He is also the founder of Liberty Classroom, which teaches you the history and economics you didn't learn in public school; and in 2016 Woods started The Happy Earner, which seeks to help others become successful online entrepreneurs by using the same strategies that Woods has used since 2010.

“(Catholic) monks taught metallurgy, introduced new crops, copied ancient texts, preserved literacy, pioneered in technology, invented champagne, improved the European landscape, provided for wanderers of every stripe, and looked after the lost and shipwrecked.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“The university system, a gift of Western civilization to the world, was developed by the Catholic Church.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“The exaltation of human reason and its capabilities, a commitment to rigorous and rational debate, a promotion of intellectual inquiry and scholarly exchange--all sponsored by the Church--provided the framework for the Scientific Revolution.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“Churchmen sought to introduce rational trial procedures and sophisticated legal principles in place of the superstition-based trial by ordeal that had characterized the Germanic legal order.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“The idea of formulated 'rights ... comes not from John Locke and Thomas Jefferson ... but from the canon law of the Catholic Church. ”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“It was Francisco de Vitoria, a Catholic priest and professor, who earned the title of father of international law.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“Thirty-five craters on the moon are named for Jesuit scientists and mathematicians. ”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“Jesuits so dominated the study of earthquakes that seismology became known as 'the Jesuit Science.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“Father Roger Boscovich is often credited as the father of modern atomic theory.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“The first person to measure the rate of acceleration of a free falling body was Father Giambattista Riccioli.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“The father of Egyptology was Father Athanasius Kircher.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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“Father Nicholas Steno, is often identified as the father of geology.”
Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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