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Thomas Middleton

“The slowest kiss makes too much haste.”
Thomas Middleton
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“FRANCISCUS: How sweetly she looks! Oh, but there's a wrinkle in her brow as deep as philosophy.”
Thomas Middleton
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“As fast as they peep up let's cut 'em down.”
Thomas Middleton
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“Has not heaven an ear? Is all the lightning wasted?”
Thomas Middleton
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“Let me feel how thy pulses beat.”
Thomas Middleton
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“How sweetly she looks! O, but there's a wrinkle in her brow as deep as philosophy. - Anacreon, drink to my mistress' health, I'll pledge it. Stay, stay, there's a spider in the cup! No, 'tis but a grape-stone; swallow it, fear nothing, poet. So, so; lift higher.”
Thomas Middleton
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“Her fingers touched me!She smells all amber.”
Thomas Middleton
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“Castiza: "False! I defy you both!I have endured you with an ear of fire;Your tongues have struck hot irons on my face!Mother, come from that poisonous woman there."Gratiana: "Where?"Castiza: "Do you not see her? She's too inward then.”
Thomas Middleton
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“Lussurioso: "Welcome, be not far off, we must be better acquainted. Push, be bold with us, thy hand!"Vindice: "With all my heart, i'faith. How dost, sweet musk-cat? When shall we lie together?"Lussurioso: (aside) "Wondrous knave!Gather him into boldness? 'Sfoot, the slave'sAlready as familiar as an ague,And shakes me at his pleasure! -- Friend, I canForget myself in private, but elsewhere,I pray do you remember be."Vindice: "Oh, very well, sir.I conster myself saucy."Lussurioso: "What hast been? What profession?"Vindice: "A bone-setter."Lussurioso: "A bone-setter!"Vindice: "A bawd, my lord, one that sets bones together."Lussurioso: (aside) "Notable bluntness!”
Thomas Middleton
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“Money! Ho, ho!'T'as been my want so long, 'tis now my scoff.I've e'en forgot what colour silver's of.”
Thomas Middleton
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“Ha! What news here? Is the day out a' th' socketThat it is noon at midnight? The court up?”
Thomas Middleton
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“Good, happy, swift; there's gunpowder i'th' court,Wildfire at midnight in this heedless fury.”
Thomas Middleton
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“I much applaud thy judgement; thou art well-read in a fellow.And 'tis the deepest art to study man.”
Thomas Middleton
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