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Tiffany King

“There’s a time in everyone’s life when I’m sure they wonder if fate is actually some dude watching from beyond, just waiting for the right moment to fuck with us.”
Tiffany King
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“He cupped my face gently in his hands, holding it in place. My breath hitched in my lungs as he leaned in to drop a soft kiss on my lips. Where the other kisses we had shared ignited the lust we felt for each other, this kiss was something entirely different. The softness of his lips caressed mine as his tongue slowly slid into my mouth. He explored my mouth leisurely, never increasing the intensity. It was as if he was trying to memorize every detail and was meticulous with his mission. The tenderness of his mouth made my heart ache and I wished it would never end.”
Tiffany King
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“He let out a groan and I stopped tugging at the material, thinking I had hurt him."Are you okay?", I asked, leaning over him."Could you kiss me or something so I don't feel so perverted?" he asked.I couldn't help my laugh of relief. Still, I had to admit, the way he was looking at me was pretty hot."Really? Even with an exposed fracture you're thinking of something like that?" I chastised."It's not like everything's broke," he said, sounding mortified.”
Tiffany King
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“I was lying on my bed, contemplating Mason's death when Amy strolled into our cabin."Hey, what are you doing?""Wondering what would cause more damage, a paint-brush in the eye or a putty knife shoved up someone's nostril," I answered, scowling at the ceiling.”
Tiffany King
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“This chick had a serious love affair going on with my hair. I wondered if I should offer to leave her alone with it. Seriously, if she started rubbing her face against it, I was out.”
Tiffany King
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“Maybe everything would have been different. Hindsight is a mocking bitch for sure.”
Tiffany King
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“Trust was a double-edged sword. It could give you hope, but it could cut you in an instant when it was broken.”
Tiffany King
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“I wanted a summer filled with porch swings, lemonade and fireflies.”
Tiffany King
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“The plain and simple fact was everyone sinned. Either they were good at hiding their sins, or they weren't. I fell in the latter category. My sins had been featured front and center, on display for everyone to judge.”
Tiffany King
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“Damn those fat Barbie heads. I blamed them for my loss, and to this day I can't walk down the sickeningly pink Barbie aisle of any store.”
Tiffany King
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“I didn't want their tears. I didn't want them to think of me. I wanted nothing from them. That asshole Mitch Johnson saved my life today. What a prick.”
Tiffany King
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“—También te amo —dijo él, retrocediendo después de un momento—. Creo que te he amado desde hace meses. Nunca he creído en el amor a primera vista, pero sí creo en el destino. Cada situación de mierda que has tenido que superar te trajo hasta aquí. Nunca he sentido esto por nadie, y es porque he estado esperando por ti, no lo sabía hasta que llegaste aquí.”
Tiffany King
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“Just so you know, everyone has regrets, but it's fucked up to be continually punished for them.”
Tiffany King
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“Get a grip. You're pricklier than a feral cat," he said, sitting up."Too bad for you, I'm not in heat," I said, calming down.”
Tiffany King
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“Religious people were big on saying "the tongue is a mighty weapon, so use it wisely," and then forsaking this claim when the music director slept with the minister's wife or when the youth minister did what he did.”
Tiffany King
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“I want you to listen to me you seem to be under the misconception that there is something wrong with you, that there is nothing special about you. There is nobody else in the whole world that I would rather be with. I could look at you for hours an never get sick of it. I could spend ever second of everday in your presence and I would die a happy man. You belong with me.”
Tiffany King
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“Our love has evolved into something else because of the way we respect and listen to each other's needs.”
Tiffany King
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“There is nothing like the smell of books, both new and old. If someone ever bottled the smell, I would be all over it .”
Tiffany King
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