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Tiffany Reisz

“You know I don't mind sloppy seconds. And knowing Pope Whatadick, he probably blesses is cum before he blows it”
Tiffany Reisz
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“[About the wives of Weinsburg] They may only be a legend. I like to think they were real. Once the city of Weinsburg in Germany was under siege. The enemy emperor was dangerous but not unmerciful. When it became inevitable that the city would fall, the men of Weinsberg pleaded for their women, that they be allowed to flee with their lives. The emperor relented and allowed the women to leave the city with only the valuables they could carry on their backs. The day came and the gates of the city opened and the emperor watched in shock as the women stumbled through the gates nearly breaking under the weight of their husbands and fathers who they carried on their backs. Their love humbled the emperor and he declared all would be spared. ~ Nora”
Tiffany Reisz
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“He wished that the mathematics of the world were like the mathematics of the heart - then his equal love and hate would mean he felt nothing instead of double.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“It's like a gay man being married to a straight woman. No matter how much he loves her, it's a sacrifice every moment they're together. The sex is secondary to the sacrifice.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“I'm no optimist", she said as she opened the cabinet door. " I'm just a realist who smiles too much.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Was there any woman in the world quite like Nora? He was so glad she existed; even more glad there was only one of her.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Tell Dr. Jonas next time I'll do that thing he likes with the peanut butter and the cock ring.""It is without a doubt the sole reason he went to medical school.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“God, I know You're probably still pissed about Soren, and I don't really blame You. But please don't take Your wrath out on Wesley. Flog me all You want. He doesn't deserve it.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“If you come back to me," he said, making a rare concession, "will you run or crawl?"Nora had pressed her whole body into him at that moment. Resting her head on his strong shoulder, she watched as a tear forged a river down his long and muscled back. "I'll fly.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Vanilla people were so cute sometimes.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“My God, did you just say 'fuck'? You're a good, clean Methodist. You don't swear.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Not kink, she'd purred into his ear, sending every nerve in his long neglected body firing. But not vanilla, either.... Zach understood now why some people were afraid of her. He was afraid of her....”
Tiffany Reisz
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“K-dar," Nora said and tapped the side of her nose. "Kinksters can smell it on each other.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“We made a deal. I can top, but not bottom." "Are you secretly a gay man?" Zachary eyed her curiously.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“She seemed like the type of woman who'd help you forget about your headache by setting your bed on fire.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“It's been a long time since I let a man boss me around. I kind of miss it.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“You are my heart,” he said. He’d said those very words to her that morning. But that morning, they’d sounded affectionate and playful. Now he said them as if he were stating a fact of anatomy. “I will not lose you. I’m sending you away to keep you safe. Do you understand? Say ‘Yes, sir.’”Nora nodded and swallowed a sudden lump in her throat.”Yes, sir.”Soren bent his head and kissed her long and slow before pulling back.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“If you keep acting like a big baby, I will shoot you. I’ve never known a man so in love with his hair before. “ “I’m in love with all of me. I’m a very lovable pervert.” “Well, you’re going to be a very sexy pervert when I’m done with you. Now hold still.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Women tend to fall in love with me when I take my clothes off.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Five minutes.” He set the alarm. “Ready?” “Yes, sir.” “You’re trying to get me to fuck you by calling me ‘sir,’ aren’t you? It will work. But not yet.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“God, you’re arrogant,” Charlotte growled as Kingsley slapped cold metal handcuffs on to each of her wrists. “I’m not arrogant. I’m French.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it. Song of Solomon 8: 7.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Jeg elsker dig. Du er mit hjerte.” I love you. You are my heart. -Soren”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Michael, this is an order from your mistress. Tell me what you want. Now.” “I want Griffin.” The words came out immediately. She had trained him too well. “I want Griffin so much it hurts. I love him, Nora. I have never felt anything like this before. And it’s absolutely stupid because he’s rich and he’s perfect and amazing and I’m a nobody. I’m a nobody, and I’m in love with someone I can’t be with. He’s so beautiful. I can’t stop looking at him, I can’t stop thinking about him. I dream about him at night. And he’s the first thing I think about when I wake up. And I want to touch him so much. I want to touch his face and that fucking perfect hair of his. And his lips and his chest and his arms— and I think about those arms around me, and it’s humiliating how much I want that. And, God, I want to live in his bed. I want to spend the rest of my life underneath him. I want to feel him on top of me and inside me. And I want submit to him. I want to go down on my knees in front of him. I want to call him sir and wear his collar and kiss his fucking feet if he told me to. And I want to walk down the busiest street in New York with him holding hands so the entire world can see us together and know that I belong to him. I love Griffin, Nora. I’m in love with him. And I can’t be with him. But that’s… that’s it.” Michael turned his head and buried it a little deeper into the cleft of Nora’s neck and shoulder. He wanted to stay there so he wouldn’t have to look her or anyone in the eyes ever again. “You won’t tell him, will you?” “She doesn’t have to.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“No, it is actually. Life and death are less life-and-death than love is." -Nora”
Tiffany Reisz
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“His name is Spanks for Nothing. It’s destiny. We belong together.” -Nora”
Tiffany Reisz
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“My name is Søren.” Kingsley nodded and prepared words of his own. “Je t’aime,” he replied in the language God spoke. I love you.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“There’s nothing you could do to me now that I wouldn’t want.” -Kingsley”
Tiffany Reisz
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“I don’t believe in ghosts and neither should you, Kingsley.””Why not? I’ve been in love with a ghost for thirty years.” Kingsley strolled over to the armchair and sat on the ottoman between the other man’s knees. Soren narrowed his eyes at him. “The body’s not even cold yet. Eleanor’s been gone one day and you’re already trying to get me into bed again?” ”Again?” Kingsley laughed and rolled his eyes. “Always. Are you surprised?” Soren shrugged. “Not really.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“I won't ask you to stay," he said. Eleanor could barely look at him althought there was nothing more she wanted to do than memorize every line and angle of his face. "But I want to."She inhaled sharply and forced a smile."I won't say 'yes' if you do ask...but I want to.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Eleanor wrapped her arms around aniel's neck as he lowered her feet to the cold floor. She leaned into him and inhaled his scent - warm and clean with the slightest hing of fireplace smoke - and committed it to memory."Don't worry," she said, finally letting him go. "I miss you already.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“But I wasn't done," she pouted, no longer hungry for anything but him. "Yes, you were.""Yes, sir.""Lay down on your back.""Very yes, sir.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Yeah, equal pay for equal work and our bodies ourselves and Gloria Steinem and all that jazz...but in that dusty dark little corner of every woman's heart where we keep our maps of Tierra del Fuego lives the hunger to fetch a powerful man his slippers on her hands and knees.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“You men. The bra clasp defeats you every time.""I think a demonic engineer mus have designed these things. I may have to get bolt cutters.""Watch out. Bras are often booby-trapped.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“The Moonlight sonata is a strange piece of music. It's been called a Lamentation. You can feel that when you play it, can feel the sorrow and the endless repetitions. It's simple to play but maddeningly difficult to play well. The arpeggios allow great freedom of expression. Too much freedom in untutored, unskilled hands. They say Beethovan wrote it for a seventeen-year-old countess, the Countess Giulietta Guicciardi. He may have loved her.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Adrift and unmoored, she had tried again and again to throw him a rope to save him from the raging waters. And now he no longer felt like a drowning man at sea. Nora... the siren and the goddess, the ship and the wine-dark sea. She would either save him or end him.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“I'm sad at you.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“When Søren touched her she became his. When Wesley touched her, she became herself.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“You don't love him. You only love that he loves you.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Broken love is the most dangerous love. It will slice you open with every touch.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Hurt is a bruise on the outside. Harm is a bruise on the inside.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Only afterward did the guilt set in--the guilt that for a few minutes he let himself stop feeling guilty.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“Let me show you what life is like lived in the moment. No past, no future, just the one perfect moment you're standing in and there's no guilt and there's no shame and there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of...”
Tiffany Reisz
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“How are you feeling?""Coffee.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“But there was nothing but the cold, hard truth that loving someone and being loved back was only the beginning, not the end, of all the pain.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“If only there were more yesterdays instead of so many todays.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“A Bible-quoting erotica writer--you are quite the oxymoron.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“It's easy to believe in God when you wake up every morning knowing you are completely and unconditionally loved.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“A love story is not the same as a romance novel. A romance novel is the story of two people falling in love against their will. This is a story of two people who leave each other against their will. It starts to end the minute they meet.”
Tiffany Reisz
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“I'm no optimist. I'm just a realist who smiles too much.”
Tiffany Reisz
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