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Tim Burton

Timothy "Tim" William Burton is a prolific American film director/writer, best known for the dark imagery and quirky nature of his popular films. He is also the author and illustrator of the poetry collection "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories."

“Most people say about graveyards: "Oh, it's just a bunch of dead people. It's creepy." But for me, there's an energy to it that it not creepy, or dark. It has a positive sense to it.”
Tim Burton
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“I was never interested in what everybody else was interested in. I was very interiorized. I always felt kind of sad.”
Tim Burton
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“Get away from meeeee!" Edgar -Frankiewinnie”
Tim Burton
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“The Boy with Nails in His Eyesput up his aluminum tree.It looked pretty strangebecause he couldn't really see.”
Tim Burton
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“Unwisely, Santa offered a teddy bear to James, unawarehe had been mauled by a grizzly earlier this year.”
Tim Burton
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“And I Jack, the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing...”
Tim Burton
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“I have a problem when people say something's real or not real, or normal or abnormal. The meaning of those words for me is very personal and subjective. I've always been confused and never had a clearcut understanding of the meaning of those kinds of words.”
Tim Burton
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“He can't fly around tall buildings, or outrun a speeding train, the only talent he seems to have is leaving a nasty stain!”
Tim Burton
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“I've always been misrepresented. You know, I could dress in a clown costume and laugh with the happy people but they'd still say I'm a dark personality.”
Tim Burton
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“Certain things leave you in your life and certain things stay with you. And that's why we're all interested in movies- those ones that make you feel, you still think about. Because it gave you such an emotional response, it's actually part of your emotional make-up, in a way.”
Tim Burton
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“When you don’t have many friends and you don’t have a social life you’re kind of left looking at things, not doing things. There’s a weird freedom in not having people treat you like you’re part of society or where you have to fulfill social relationships.”
Tim Burton
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“And in that one grey hair I saw my whole life and I said "I think I need a hair.”
Tim Burton
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“Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.”
Tim Burton
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“I am not a dark person and I don't consider myself dark.”
Tim Burton
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“People told me I couldn't kill Nicholson, so I cast him in two roles and killed him off twice.”
Tim Burton
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“Stain BoyOf all the super heroes,the strangest one by far,doesn't have a special power,or drive a fancy car.next to Superman and batman, I guess he must seem tame.But to me he is quite special,and Stain Boy is his name.He can't fly around tall buildings,or outrun a speeding train,the only talent he seems to haveis to leave a nasty stain.Sometimes I know it bothers him,that he can't run or swim or fly,and because of this one ability,his dry cleaning bill is sky-high.”
Tim Burton
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“The Girl With Many EyesOne day in the parkI had quite a surprise.I met a girlwho had many eyes.She was really quite pretty(and also quite shocking!)and I noticed she had a mouth,so we ended up talking.We talked about flowers,and her poetry classes,and the problems she'd haveif she ever wore glasses.It's great to know a girlwho has so many eyes,but you really get wetwhen she breaks down and cries.”
Tim Burton
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“Staring GirlI once knew a girlwho would just stand there and stare.At anyone or anything,she seemed not to careShe'd stare at the ground,She'd stare at the sky.She'd stare at you for hours,and you'd never know why.But after winning the local staring contest,she finally gave her eyesa well-deserved rest.”
Tim Burton
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“Robot BoyMr. an Mrs. Smith had a wonderful life.They were a normal, happy husband and wife.One day they got news that made Mr. Smith glad.Mrs. Smith would would be a momwhich would make him the dad!But something was wrong with their bundle of joy.It wasn't human at all,it was a robot boy!He wasn't warm and cuddlyand he didn't have skin.Instead there was a cold, thin layer of tin.There were wires and tubes sticking out of his head.He just lay there and stared,not living or dead.The only time he seemed alive at allwas with a long extension cordplugged into the wall.Mr. Smith yelled at the doctor,"What have you done to my boy?He's not flesh and blood,he's aluminum alloy!"The doctor said gently,"What I'm going to saywill sound pretty wild.But you're not the father of this strange looking child.You see, there still is some questionabout the child's gender,but we think that its fatheris a microwave blender."The Smith's lives were now filledwith misery and strife.Mrs. Smith hated her husband,and he hated his wife.He never forgave her unholy alliance:a sexual encounterwith a kitchen appliance.And Robot Boygrew to be a young man.Though he was often mistakenfor a garbage can.”
Tim Burton
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“Voodoo GirlHer skin is white cloth,and she's all sewn apartand she has many colored pinssticking out of her heart.She has many different zombieswho are deeply in her trance.She even has a zombiewho was originally from France.But she knows she has a curse on her,a curse she cannot win.For if someone getstoo close to her,the pins stick farther in.”
Tim Burton
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“One of the things that we were trying to do with this show was the complexities of relationships and love. There is both passion and longing and a bittersweet quality to it that is a part of life.”
Tim Burton
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“You don't know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They're very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way.”
Tim Burton
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“Mayor: How horrible our Christmas will be! Jack Skellington: *No.* [the Mayor switches to his upset face] Jack Skellington: How *jolly*! Mayor: Oh. How *jolly* our Christmas will be”
Tim Burton
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“Half the fun is plan to plan”
Tim Burton
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“Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?”
Tim Burton
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“Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called canibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.”
Tim Burton
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“One person's craziness is another person's reality.”
Tim Burton
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“We all know interspecies romance is weird.”
Tim Burton
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“I wouldn't know a good script if it bit me in the face.”
Tim Burton
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“Minister: Welcome, brother! Do you reject Satan and all his works? Bunny Breckinridge: Sure.”
Tim Burton
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“Mr. Smith yelled at the doctor,What have you done to my boy?He's not flesh and blood,he's aluminum alloy!"The doctor said gently,What I'm going to saywill sound pretty wild.But you're not the father of this strange looking child.You see, there still is some questionabout the child's gender,but we think that its fatheris a microwave blender.”
Tim Burton
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“My name is Jimmy,but my friends just call methe hideous penguin boy.”
Tim Burton
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“They took a baseball batand whacked open his head.Mummy Boy fell to the ground;he finally was dead. Inside of his headwere no candy or prizes,just a few stray beetlesof various sizes.”
Tim Burton
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“My diagnosis," he said"for better or worse,is that your son is the resultof an old pharaoh's curse.”
Tim Burton
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“Son, are you happy? I don't mean to pry,but do you dream of Heaven?Have you ever wanted to die?”
Tim Burton
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“Good morning starshine the earth says hello....”
Tim Burton
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“But she knows she has a curse on her,a curse she cannot win.For if someone gets too close to her,the pins stick further in.”
Tim Burton
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“I am the shadow on the moon at night/Filling your dreams to the brim with fright.”
Tim Burton
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“Stick Boy liked Match Girl,he liked her a lot.He liked her cute figure,he thought she was hot.”
Tim Burton
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