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Tim Campbell

The absolute last thing in the world I would ever choose to write is my own biography. But as is often the case, life requires us on occasion to do things we don’t particularly relish. In the spring of 2003, I was asked to write a brief personal “portrait” in the third person, for the back cover of my first novel. I cannot imagine anything more pompous or arrogant than talking about myself in the third person. But, given the task, I supplied the effort and something was generated. I won’t comment on the quality of the work. Then lo and behold, I’m now given a second opportunity, in far too brief a time span, to do it again. But this one might be more fun. At least, I can make it more conversational. And the one thing I have always been able to do is converse! That said, here goes.

Recently, I participated in a seminar intended to foster co-worker relations. In the name of political correctness, we were asked to “celebrate the differences” in our cultures. I was most impressed with one of the presenters who suggested our time would be best spent by looking for the similarities. Toward that end, he asked us to describe ourselves using a simple list of nouns. It was more difficult than I would have thought, but interestingly, it does help me in this situation. In no particular order, I am a man, an American, a father, brother, son, grandson, son-in-law, friend, teacher, co-worker, writer, pilot, veteran, cook, husband, chief financial officer, senior citizen and the list goes on. What was nice about the process was that it gave me reason to really consider all the things I can claim to be. And even now, much later, my list continues to grow. You should try it; you’ll be surprised.

I've heard it said that “true writers” constantly create stories about the strangers around them. Well, if that’s all it takes, I’ve made the cut. I certainly love people watching and I manufacture backgrounds and stories about them as well.

Armed with a BA from Lynchburg College in Virginia and an MS from James Madison University and most of a PhD done at Virginia Commonwealth University, I've done all kinds of work, like sales, private practice as a financial consultant, broadcasting, publishing, teaching, and for most of twenty years, as the financial officer of an organization in the health care industry before retiring from that foolishness to pursue the only career I ever really wanted, as a novelist. And my greatest professional pleasure comes from writing. I’ve been published occasionally in magazines and other periodicals over the past two decades, but my passion is writing novels. In addition to All's Fair, I have completed a sequel, What Goes Around, which was released early in 2011. More recently were the releases of Mourning Melody in 2016 and a collection of short fictions in 2017 titled Natural Order of Things. There are no less than twenty-nine manuscripts in various stages of "construction" to follow those.

The greatest pride I have though is in the small assistance I’ve had the pleasure to offer in helping my son and daughter begin writing their stories. My daughter is a graduate of UNC-Wilmington, completed her MA at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Communications in film and a Juris Doctorate at Southwestern Law in LA. My son has completed a Ph.D. and is a college professor. Both are fine young members of society and a huge credit to what young folks can accomplish.

When I consider life overall, I must quote that old Eagle, Joe Walsh, whose most famous line is probably “life’s been good to me.” It’s certainly true in my case. Not that I wouldn’t change several dozen, make that several hundred things, if I were somehow given the opportunity! I guess all I can really do is make amends over the next fifty years to make up for the last fifty. It’s okay though, I love a challenge!

“There is only one person who needs to be convinced that you're a writer. That would be you.”
Tim Campbell
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“Writers are born, not created.”
Tim Campbell
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“One of man's greatest flaws is that he thinks far too highly of what he does.”
Tim Campbell
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“Romance is a tender kiss with a lingering promise of more to come.”
Tim Campbell
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“One of man's greatest flaws is assigning far too much importance to what he does.”
Tim Campbell
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“Failure is only temporary.”
Tim Campbell
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“Imagination is like muscle. If you don't exercise it, it shrinks.”
Tim Campbell
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