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Tim J. Brooks

“Strive for political ideaology but do not hinder progress in the name of your ideology. That would simply be selfish.”
Tim J. Brooks
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“Alas! Alas if your unshakable view of the world relies on your circumstantial receiving of charity!”
Tim J. Brooks
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“You can achieve the highest level of academic, financial, physical, emotional and spiritual success but you won’t achieve true harmony until you cook your own meal.”
Tim J. Brooks
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“Some people spend their whole life trying to be liked by others. Some people spend their whole life hoping to be liked for not trying to be liked by others.”
Tim J. Brooks
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“If the driving force behind bettering human life is our insatiable desire to escape mortality what will we do when we succeed?”
Tim J. Brooks
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“The existence of diverse opinions troubles me but it's the fact that everyone claims to be right that terrifies me”
Tim J. Brooks
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