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Tim Roux

(That 'date of death' category threw me. What if you don't know yet?)

I am a writer, editor and publisher. I have written ten books, the most acclaimed of which are 'The Dance of the Pheasodile', 'Missio' and 'Girl on a Bar Stool'. The least acclaimed is 'Fishing, for Christians' (I still like it), and then there is one in-between 'The Blue Food Revolution' which is me in flat out magical realist mode and which is met with either absolute love or absolute suck-on-the-end-of-this-barrel hatred.

I have allowed my quill to blunt and my inkwell to dry while I run Night Reading (a community for independent authors with 400+ members) and Night Publishing (the associated publishing house with 50+ signed authors).

However, I do have a couple of books planned, so should the Internet go down globally for about 6 months, they will probably get written (so long as there is still electricity - I am not writing them by hand or typing them).

“Two uniformed officers approached him at speed. Both were wearing Salvation Army badges and carrying some fearsomely bulky weapons labelled as ‘Googles’.One of them drew his Google and aimed it barrel-forward at my grandfather.”
Tim Roux
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“The uniformed man led him along a short corridor and turned right at an electronic display proclaiming “The new collection from Kelloggs” and portraying several variations of luminous crotchless panties. Grandfather frowned. “Can you eat those?” he asked the man, pointing at the display.The man grinned. “If you buy them, Sir, I am sure that you can do anything you want with them. Eat the panties, devour the contents …. This way, Sir.”
Tim Roux
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“One day someone will say to me: “Is it autobiographical?” And I shall reply: “Only the bit where I die.” To die has always been my sole ambition. Everything else is transitory." (opening line to 'Blood & Marriage')”
Tim Roux
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“Yeah, you’ve guessed it. I am an estate agent by day, a rebel with integrity by night." (Ch1 '(Just like) El Cid's Bloomers')”
Tim Roux
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“My dad was a trawlerman, but only briefly – only briefly a trawlerman and only briefly my dad." (2nd para of 'Missio')”
Tim Roux
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“I am on warp-speed headed directly for the sun; I am Icarus." (opening line of 'Girl on a Bar Stool', new / CreateSpace version)”
Tim Roux
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“I have to admit that I am in a bit of a predicament." (opening line to 'The Dance of the Pheasodile' where the guy is hanging naked from a helicopter outside his wife's 18th floor office in Central London)”
Tim Roux
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“One of the great books of our time. I should know; I wrote it." (apocryphal)”
Tim Roux
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