(That 'date of death' category threw me. What if you don't know yet?)
I am a writer, editor and publisher. I have written ten books, the most acclaimed of which are 'The Dance of the Pheasodile', 'Missio' and 'Girl on a Bar Stool'. The least acclaimed is 'Fishing, for Christians' (I still like it), and then there is one in-between 'The Blue Food Revolution' which is me in flat out magical realist mode and which is met with either absolute love or absolute suck-on-the-end-of-this-barrel hatred.
I have allowed my quill to blunt and my inkwell to dry while I run Night Reading (a community for independent authors with 400+ members) and Night Publishing (the associated publishing house with 50+ signed authors).
However, I do have a couple of books planned, so should the Internet go down globally for about 6 months, they will probably get written (so long as there is still electricity - I am not writing them by hand or typing them).