Timothee de Fombelle photo

Timothee de Fombelle

As a child...

Timothee de Fombelle was born in the heart of Paris in 1973, but often accompanied his architect father on his travels to Africa. Each summer his family left for the countryside (the west of France), where the five brothers and sisters lived like wild horses, making huts in the trees, playing in the river and losing themselves in the woods. In the evening they performed plays for their parents and devoured the books in the library. Childhood remains for him the lost paradise which he re-discovers through writing.

As an adult...

After becoming a literature teacher, Timothee taught in Paris and Vietnam before choosing the bohemian life of the theatre. Author of a dozen plays, he writes, designs, builds sets and directs the actress he admires the most, his wife Laetitia. They have a young daughter, Jeanne Elisha, who already loves climbing trees. Toby Alone is his first novel and has already been translated into 22 languages.

As an artist...

Passionate about books and theatre, Timothee has been writing since he was young. The stage has been his testing ground but it is life, with its joys and trials, which inspires his real work. A great traveller, Timothee recognises that the writing of Toby Alone has been his best journey so far.

“Cậu để lại trên mặt nước một cái vỏ sò nhỏ màu đỏ rực mà cậu nhặt được, rồi ra về. Mảnh sò trôi dần về phía Elisa. Cô bé cầm lên khi nó giạt vào những nếp gấp của chiếc váy bập bềnh trên mặt nước, tạo nên những mảnh lụa xanh trải rộng.”
Timothee de Fombelle
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“sự chóng vánh làm nên sức mạnh của cuộc gặp gỡ”
Timothee de Fombelle
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“The sole of the foot is sacred for the Grass people. It's called the "sole of the foot" because it's the sole (or only) body part that enjoys the constant relationship with the surface of plants.”
Timothee de Fombelle
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“[Toby] reflected that being cruel sometimes makes you rich and powerful, but it always makes you ugly.”
Timothee de Fombelle
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“Perhaps it would be better if your whole life had the same transparency as in its final moments.”
Timothee de Fombelle
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“Little tree filled his lungs with the white airness of the night, as if he were going to fly. The living voice of his parents. Elisha's eyes. These were reasons enough to set off on another adventure.Reasons to be Toby Lolness again.”
Timothee de Fombelle
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