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Tina M. Randolph

Tina M. Randolph is the author of the mystical book series Mystic Deja and other science-fiction and fantasy novels for teens, children, and lovers of the supernatural.

Randolph is originally from Grambling, Louisiana, where she loved the country atmosphere, and learned how to be creative. She was raised in Houston, Texas, and attended the Art Institute to become an artist. Her interests as a writer began when she was a teenager, and although she started her career as a graphic designer, she has always been interested in writing and making movies with high-end special effects.

Her first novel reflects her imaginative and creative abilities to inspire spiritual lessons through science fiction and fantasy. As a truly gifted seer of the beyond, she writes stories from a deeper perspective than the norm. Randolph has plans to write many awe-inspiring novels that personify the nature of the human experience through subconscious exploration and higher conscious observance.

“Make ready your mind." "Imagine, create, balance, control.""You Are Already There!”
Tina M. Randolph
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“I searched my mind for the right visualization. I knew it had to start with what I put in my head. That is where all my accomplishments are formed.”
Tina M. Randolph
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“Inside the maze there are no limits, no boundaries, where you could go anywhere your creative thoughts could take you.”
Tina M. Randolph
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