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Tina Reber

I am a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of adult contemporary romance. I'm so glad you've stopped by and/or have sent me a friend request. Unfortunately,I get quite bogged down on a daily basis and tend not to respond to direct messages to me on GR. I answer all messages sent to me on my Facebook author page: http://facebook.com/authortinareber. All of my latest information can be found on my website: http://tinareber.com. Want to send me a private message or have a question? Send me an email at [email protected].

Hugs and Happy Reading!!

“Are you mad that he's here?" Marie whispered in my ear.I shook my head while I prepared two vodka tonics."Well, you look mad." She laughed at me. "What's wrong?" "I'm allergic to whores," I said under my breath.”
Tina Reber
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“I promise to make this quick as my wife just informed me several minutes ago that she’s been in labor for the last five hours, and I really don’t want her to give birth to our first child down there in the front row.”... “Tell him to hang on, honey, I’ll be done in a minute.”
Tina Reber
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“You know as well as I do that life has a way of clearing that path for you. And maybe the good Lord above has dropped two hundred pounds of gorgeous path-clearing answer out there at our dinner table for you.” -Taryn about Mike”
Tina Reber
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“I wrapped my hands around his ribs as he kissed me passionately. There were no cameras, no directors, no witnesses - just Ryan and I and our raw, unscripted emotions.”
Tina Reber
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“Taryn Mitchell," he said, looking me in the eyes. "I love you. With all my heart."I felt all the blood rush from my body and surge right into my chest. All this time I waited for a man to say those words to me and mean it, and now I was hearing them from the one person I had hoped would say them. I gazed into his eyes and said what was in my heart. It was as easy and natural as breathing. "I love you too - more than anything in this world.”
Tina Reber
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“Dreams really do come true if you point yourself in their direction”
Tina Reber
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“I didn’t need anyone to take care of me, but I did want someone to love me enough to try.”
Tina Reber
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“Ryan Refereeing to Ian Somerhold:He Shits too, you know”
Tina Reber
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“I doubted any hospital in the world would be able to mend a shattered heart. (Taryn Mitchell)”
Tina Reber
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“So many people want fortune and fame but what they don’t realize is that it comes with a ton of heartache.- Ryan Christensen”
Tina Reber
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“He looked like a giant lion lying belly-up in the sun with his legs hanging open, licking his paws and airing out his balls.”
Tina Reber
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“What all you young kids fail to remember is that the excitement and freshness of that new relationship doesn't last. Everyone-- every relationship--hits those rough patches when you argue and don't get along so well and it's so easy to be tempted to go for freshness again to feel appreciated and desired.If not ---Bam, you're miserable and getting your kicks elsewhere.But if you keep that freshness alive in your relationship you'll get through it. Mark my Words”
Tina Reber
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“If you never take chances, then of course you won’t get hurt. But that’s what life is al about, kiddo. Living through the good and bad, and – with any luck – having battle scars that heal.”- Pete to Taryn”
Tina Reber
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“I wanted to. You look beautiful wearing my heart.”
Tina Reber
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“You know what I think? I think you should stop all this nonesense and screw the shit out of him until he passes out from exhaustion...you'll have to feed him, of course, to keep his energy level up, but make sure you hide his clothes so he can't get dressed. Men can't run when they're naked.”
Tina Reber
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“I’d never take from you regardless.”His shoulders dropped. “That’s why I want to give you everything.”
Tina Reber
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“I miss you,” he said softly ... “I miss the feeling of completeness I have when you’re in my arms. Do you ever feel that way? Like a part of you is missing when we’re apart.”
Tina Reber
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“He rolled his eyes and then frowned at both me and Ian (Somerhalder). “That guy takes a shit, too, you know.”I shook my head to disagree. “No, he doesn’t. He’s still in god status and we all know that gods don’t poop.”
Tina Reber
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“Shoot. I feel guilty for peeing. That first bottle of wine alone was almost two hundred dollars.”
Tina Reber
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“Ooh. Maybe he’ll fuck you in Spanish. Can you call me while it’s happening? God, I want to hear that.”
Tina Reber
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“It’s time to go big or go home. I want everyone to know you’re mine, Taryn.”
Tina Reber
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“Did he really not remember where it was, or is there some primitivepart of a man’s brain that starts to shut down whenever a woman comes into their lives?”
Tina Reber
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“You know that first night when we stayed together here in the cabin? As sick as we were, there was no place on earth I would have rather been then here with you.”
Tina Reber
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“You look beautiful wearing my heart.”
Tina Reber
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“Dreams only come true if youpoint yourself in their direction”
Tina Reber
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“You’re my best friend,You’re my love,You’re my life.I can’t wait tomake youmy wife!Love, Ryan”
Tina Reber
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“I didn't want someone who would have to force himself to love me or for me to pretend that I loved him back. I had always hoped that love would be mutually instinctual and natural- as easy as breathing”
Tina Reber
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“Loving someone should never end in all-consuming devastation.”
Tina Reber
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“ But I think he broke my vagina”
Tina Reber
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“Taryn, I know being in a relationship with me comes with an entire set of stressors that normal people never have to deal with. But you cut that away and I'm still me. I'm just a man.”
Tina Reber
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“You are it for me. But the me that knelt in front of you that night and the me that is standing in front of you right now is not the same me that's out there in the spotlight." He thumped his hand over his heart. "They only get the outside, not the inside. That's for you.”
Tina Reber
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“You’re my world, babe. Mine. Not theirs. They can have me, but they can’t have you, too…. I meant it when I said forever… You are it for me… The me that is standing in front of you right now is not the same me that’s out there in the spotlight… They only get the outside, not the inside. That’s for you.”
Tina Reber
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“Do I have to make a poster and scream Ryan, Ryan?" I kidded."The only time I want to hear you scream my name is when I'm making love to you. Although you did call me God the other night. That's acceptable, too.”
Tina Reber
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“You don't really know how much you miss someone until it's gone.”
Tina Reber
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“There's only one thing I need." I placed my hand on his heart. "The rest is just details.”
Tina Reber
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“Who are you all going to gossip about once thecelebrities leave town? You’ll need to find someone else to talk about.” I couldn’t help but laugh.“We’ll just talk about you, Tar. We’ll sit around and reminisce about how much fun you used to bewhile using the cobwebs growing between your legs to knit hats for the poor!”
Tina Reber
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“There were a few times when Mother Nature hit me with her best shot, but I always managed to land on my feet.”
Tina Reber
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“We've made a beautiful mess of things lately, haven't we?" He flashed that sexy crooked smile at me, which made my heart flutter."But it's our crazy story," "It's been ours, only ours. There's been a lot of romance, sometimes way too much drama..." "very memorable comedy, a few pulse-racing action scenes..." "We've also had our fair share of suspense and raw terror, and unfortunately gut-wrenching heartache too.""I think we've covered it all, everything except fo being captured by aliens!""But through it all you've loved me unconditionally, and I know how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't want to live without you, not for one more minute, not for one more second. I want to spend the rest of my days living my story with you...only you.""It is here that I fell in love with you""And as fate would have it, it is here that I humbly kneel before you and ask you to be my wife.”
Tina Reber
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“I never understood how men could remember all those details about sports but, yet, were incapable of remembering where they set their car keys or wallet.”
Tina Reber
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“So... am I to understand that you're mine"" I asked teasingly. "I can be yours if you want me to be, Taryn," he whispered.”
Tina Reber
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