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Tite Kubo

Tite Kubo (久保 帯人; Kubo Taito), also wrongly transliterated as Taitou Kubo, or Jiu bao dai ren.

The son of a town council member in Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima. He never took drawing seriously until he was 17; after reading Dragon Ball he knew he wanted to be a manga artist. At the age of 18 he submitted his first concept for the series Zombiepowder but it got rejected. Zombiepowder was rejected multiple times until Kubo was 22, when it finally was accepted by Shonen Jump. It did not last long; it was cancelled after four volumes in late 2000.

His next series, Bleach, about a high school student who becomes a shinigami and fights hollows, was not such a failure. Bleach began regular publication in 2001. It has been running in Weekly Shonen Jump ever since.

“We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen. We respect with every fiber of our being that which cannot be explained.”
Tite Kubo
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“Doesn't matter who it isI'll friggin break 'em-Grimmjow jaggerjaques”
Tite Kubo
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“If you give me wingsI will soar for youEven if this whole landSinks down to the waterIf you give me a swordI will fight for youEven if this whole skyShoots through with your light”
Tite Kubo
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“Those who do not know what love is likens it to beautyThose who claim to know what love islikens it to ugliness-Gin Ichimaru”
Tite Kubo
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“Your shadow stealthilyleaves nothing of where you go, like a poisoned needlethat sews together my footsteps.Your light pliantlystrikes the water tower, like a lightning boltthat severs the source of my life.-Soifon”
Tite Kubo
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“If I don't wield the sword,I can't protect you.If I keep wielding the sword,I can't embrace you.-Ichigo Kurosaki”
Tite Kubo
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“Death is not goodbye.”
Tite Kubo
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“you said you were going to kill rukia with your own hands...you make me sick...show me your bankai and I will crush it...I will make me beg for forgiveness on you knees...I will never let you say those words to Rukia again...~Ichigo Kurosaki”
Tite Kubo
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“Red like bloodWhite like boneRed like solitudeWhite like silenceRed like the beastly instinctWhite like a god's heartRed like thawing hatredWhite like a frozen, pained cryRed like the night's hungry shadowsLike a sigh piercing the moonit shines white and shatters red”
Tite Kubo
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“the constant shower of the sun's maneerases the footprints on thin icedo not fear deception for the world lies atop deception~Toushiro Hitsugaya”
Tite Kubo
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“we reach with our handsand brush away the clouds and pierce the skyto reach the moon and Marsbut we still can't reach the truth”
Tite Kubo
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“If fate is a millstone, we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel,then give me a strong blade, and enough strength, to shatter fate”
Tite Kubo
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“What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?~ulquiorra”
Tite Kubo
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“A crossroad. What a pain in the ass spot to end up in. (Abarai Renji, Bleach)”
Tite Kubo
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“You gotta wonder about someone who would be dumb enough to fallo a person as crazy as him!wait, I think I just insulted myself- ganju”
Tite Kubo
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“In this world, perfection is an illusion. Reagrdless of all those who utter the contrary, this is the reality. Obviously mediocre fools will forever lust for perfection and seek it out. However, what meaning is there in perfection? None. Not a bit. ...After perfection there exists nothing higher. Not even room for creation which means there is no room for wisdom or talent either. Understand? To scientists like ourselves, perfection is despair. - Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Bleach 306)”
Tite Kubo
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“As of now, ALL your opinions are rejected."- Ichigo”
Tite Kubo
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“If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch,Could I join two hearts as well?”
Tite Kubo
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“They say even death can't cure an idiot.-Ririn”
Tite Kubo
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“Live well, Ichigo. Live well, age well, go bald well, and die after me. And... if you can, die smiling.(Isshin Kurosaki)”
Tite Kubo
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“Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?Ichigo: Five people and a cat”
Tite Kubo
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“As we approach the crucial battleground, believe that our blades will not shatter.Believe that our resolve will not weaken.Though our paths may diverge, our iron hearts remain together.Swear, that though the land itself may break asunder...We will come back alive! ~Renji Abarai”
Tite Kubo
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“You just noticed? You're slow...”
Tite Kubo
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“we are drawn to each other like drops of water, like the planets we repulse each other like magnets, like the color of our skin.”
Tite Kubo
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“if i were rain,that join sky and earth that otherwise never touch, could i join two hearths as well?”
Tite Kubo
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“We fear that which we cannot see.”
Tite Kubo
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“Ichigo: You got that? Huh?! I'm the rescuer, so you just SHUT UP!!Rukia: Wha--wha'd you say? A rescuer isn't supposed to ignore the rescuee!Ichigo: Yeah? And what kind of rescuee complains about the rescue!? Why don't you go sit in a corner and tremble in fear and cry out "Save me! Save me!" like you're supposed to?!Rukia: I do not need saving, and I do NOT tremble!”
Tite Kubo
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“When someone changes your world, that's when you know he's important to you.”
Tite Kubo
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“Blooming under a cold moon, we are like fireworks...Rising, shining, and finally scattering and fading.So until that moment comes when we vanish like fireworks...Lets us sparkle brightly, Always...”
Tite Kubo
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“Thank you, Rukia... Because of you, the rain has stopped falling. ”
Tite Kubo
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“The fact that Gene Simmon's son is a manga-ka disturbs me more than whether he's really copying or not.”
Tite Kubo
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“What's up, Hachi?" "Someone......Just slipped through my force-field." "!!!" "A soul reaper?" "No. The Hachigyo Sogai (Twin Cliffs) I set is an original technique I developed after I became a visored. It can't be broken by a soul reaper's kido." "Then who is it? Another visored?" "I don't know. The strange thing is that they didn't break through the force-field. They Slipped through. Not even a visored should be able to do that." "Then, who or what is it?" "...It's coming." "It's a Human?" "Uh...Um...E-excuse me...where's the Bathroom?”
Tite Kubo
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“Look at Matsumoto. You need at least 10 years of sleep to catch up with her." "Shut up! Rangiku's a freak of nature!”
Tite Kubo
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“My innocence is a dying flower”
Tite Kubo
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“I'm so disappointed, Ichigo, so very disappointed. Sadly, your sword exhibits only fear. When you counter, it's because you fear being killed. When you attack, you fear killing. And when you protect someone, you fear you could let them die. At this point, the only thing your sword speaks is sensless fright, and that's not good. What you don't need in battle is fear. Nothing will come of it. When you counter, you don't let them cut you. When you protect someone, you don't let them die. And when you attack, you kill." -Kisuke Urahara (Bleach)”
Tite Kubo
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“So stop sulking. You're not old enough for the cool, tortured look.”
Tite Kubo
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“Whats the difference between a king and his horse?I dont mean some kiddy shit like one has 4 legs and the other has 2, or ones a person and ones an animal. If their form, ability, and power is exactly the same, then why is it one becomes the king and controls the battle and the other one becomes the horse and carries the king? There's only one answer...INSTINCT!!!”
Tite Kubo
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“I have always been afraid... Always been pretending to follow you closely, alwyas been pretending to sharpen my teeth, when the truth is, I am ... scared to death just treading on your shadow.”
Tite Kubo
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“We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine... forever.-Tōshirō Hitsugaya (Bleach)”
Tite Kubo
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“Don't die. Don't die! You don't have to win. You don't have to keep trying! Just don't get hurt anymore, please!”
Tite Kubo
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“Live a good long life. Grow old and die after I do. And if you can, die laughing.”
Tite Kubo
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“BE QUIET!!...What do you want...? I was in the middle of saying something nice...”
Tite Kubo
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“I know that. What's your point?”
Tite Kubo
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“I'll cry!! Ububu... BUEEEEEEE!! I... Ichigo, you thupid! Baldy!! Piece of poop!Ichigo: Alright! Alright! I get it already, stop crying!Nel: Impotent!Ichigo: I'm not impotent!!Rukia: What's he shouting about?Nel: Virgin!!!Ichigo: SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!”
Tite Kubo
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“Cats cant speak, that's common sense.-Yoruichi ”
Tite Kubo
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“Well if that's the kind of pride you're talking about, you can bet your ass, I'm going to mess with it.”
Tite Kubo
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“Can I start by asking why your drawings abnormally suck?”
Tite Kubo
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“We think a flower on a cliff is beautifulBecause we stop our feet at the cliff's edgeUnable to step out into the skyLike that fearless flower--Sosuke Aizen,Flower on the Precipice”
Tite Kubo
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“No, nothing can change my world--Ichigo Kurosaki, Black Moon Rising”
Tite Kubo
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“People have hope because they cannot see Death standing behind them.”
Tite Kubo
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