“There is a force that drives everything in this universe;you may call it anything you like, names that fit in tongue;when you're close to it, you have the power to do anything.”
“The true free-will ain't a matter of choosing one of many choices...but of creating variety of options, then deciding the best choice of all.”
“The collective consciousness of mankind defines the existence and sustainability of this civilization.”
“If this generation doesn't end...then change towards a better one will be delayed.”
“Mankind soon will be forced to utilize a kind of technology that's still rejected by current civilization.”
“You might say that you've finally earned the wisdom.Actually, it's the wisdom that has found and formed you.”
“Believing is half the cure.”
“The God that we commonly know may be less sinister than the true God that we don't know for sure.”
“There is no peace without power.”
“When shit happened in heaven, some angels crashed on to earth.”
“If we're told that human ain't the highest among creatures,then it'd be difficult to raise human dignity into current level.”
“I understand that we're smarter than me.That's one reason I like the idea of sharing.”
“Just because yet unable to comprehend the real form of the edge, doesn't mean that this universe is infinite.”
“Fear clogged human potential.”
“I don't pretend to love someone who hurts me.I do something that prevent us hurting each other.”
“We all seek for lost things within us.”
“Mind easily mesmerized when frightened.”
“Mind doesn't work properly when taken intoa higher level where fear dominates the will.”
“To understand the truth of everything,it took guts more than simply thinking.”
“Response is absolutely designed for always showing up late.”
“Human knowledge hasn't been complete enough to understand the afterlife if it hasn't been through the valley of death.”
“The human curiosity is as if an ant which seeks knowledge and walks over the books of science.”
“You see a lot of UFOs with closed eyes and opened mind.”
“It's the mind that sees, not eyes.”
“We'll miss all of these.Yes...we'll miss the days of old, ways of doing things,when we've been able to do everything, in the future.”
“Not all good things come from good people.”
“Never slay your enemies!Take advantage of them all!”
“Essence of any creature encompasses more than one realm.Here now this body, is a vehicle of my essence in this universe.”
“No emphaty when you had blinders on.”
“You don't need a provocateur,if demon's been there within you.”
“Whoever imperfect..finds flaws.”
“Perception is subjective.”
“Strange to hear atheists say 'god' when having great sex.”
“This is the world of sixty billion dollars saint.”
“If you're angry at stupid people, you're tempted to join them.”
“Miracles define common sense.”
“Pertobatan bukan satu momen di kehidupan.Itu perbaikan bertahap dan berkesinambungan,sebuah proses yang berlangsung seumur hidup.”
“Why you keep telling me to be careful, Old man ?Your stupidity doesn't deserve my sacrifice, Kiddo.”
“People addicted with technology.Technology has indulged mankind. Beware of technology dependency!”
“A little lie that's almost true.”
“I respect those who don't secretly hate me.”
“To believe, man needs no full reasoning.Without reasoning, it turns into myophia.”
“Heaven is space in universe that has unique laws of nature.”
“Pick a truth that blesses your life!”
“No perspective, no perception.New perspective, new perception.”
“There's doubt in trying.Just do it or stop thinking.”
“There are only three types of citizenship: hero, villain, nobody.”
“While you try to make peace on earth, the inhabitants of heaven are still at war.”
“Hard to love thy enemies before dismantle their weaponry.”
“Youngsters tend to save the whole worldwhile their parents struggle to save theirs.”