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Tobsha Learner

Aka T.S. Learner

Tobsha Learner was born and raised in England; she now divides her time between Australia, the UK and the USA. She is well known in Australia as an author and playwright.

“...I vow that nothing- no law, no army, no faith- will keep me from your side.”
Tobsha Learner
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“Indeed, you become what you eat. In which case I am an onion. Layered, slightly sour and guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes.”
Tobsha Learner
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“I am reminded of the belief of the ancient Sephardic doctor Isrealicus: that food must really be delicious if both disposition and body are to benefit.”
Tobsha Learner
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“I think the nature of faith is love an love of the goodness in man.”
Tobsha Learner
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“We cannot choose the times we live in. Just as, sometimes, we cannot choose whom we love.”
Tobsha Learner
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“A man who denies his past is a man who truly denies himself a future, for he refuses to know himself, and to deny knowledge of oneself is to stumble through life as handicapped as the blind mute.”
Tobsha Learner
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“Believe, my child. Faith is the food of survival.”
Tobsha Learner
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“Intelligence is power; it is the flame behind the spark of intrigue”
Tobsha Learner
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“Information is the mortar that both builds and destroys empires”
Tobsha Learner
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