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Todd Johnson

Todd Johnson's bestselling first novel THE SWEET BY AND BY received the 2010 Connecticut Book Award. The novel was also named a PEOPLE "Great Reads For Your Book Club" Pick, a REAL SIMPLE "Entertainment Selection," and a 2010 Books-A-Million Book Club selection.

Johnson has been a teacher and session singer in New York City and received a Tony Award nomination as a producer of THE COLOR PURPLE on Broadway. He is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and Yale.

Born and raised in North Carolina, he now lives in Litchfield County, Connecticut with two wildly energetic Brittanys, Josephine and Owen.

“There has not been a time where in that moment with you, on you, in you, I have not felt I was the luckiest man alive.”
Todd Johnson
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“How quietly experience slips away unnoticed, camouflaged by it relative unimportance. Then at some point you step back and take a look and what's in front of you is a tangled wad of string. All the un-importants rolled together in a loose knot, to be recognized as your very own and cherished or mistaken for trash and discarded. And if you're lucky, it hits you; that knot of string, wound and intertwined is your life, and savoring it is what you want to do”
Todd Johnson
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“I used to hope that if I went to church long enough, all my inside weight would go away. That ain't right. Jesus may have come to take away our sins, but he left our feelings right where they've always been. I still have inside me some of what I've always had, built up over a lifetime. I just keep adding to it, everyday, like everybody else, and hope the stew gets better the more ingredients I put in.”
Todd Johnson
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“Life is choosing whom and what you love. Everything else follows.”
Todd Johnson
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“I think the trick is knowing where you're supposed to be, and lettig go of everything else long enough to be there.”
Todd Johnson
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“But you told me the only way to live was to act like what you believe is already so.”
Todd Johnson
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“Risin up, when you’re weak, makes a person stronger. By standin, thery’re saying that [she] matters, and they matter too. I feel better when I think about how showin respect to one person makes every person makes every person worth more.”
Todd Johnson
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“I learned that attention is a prize, in love. The first thing you give. And the first thing to go, when the ‘new’ wears off.”
Todd Johnson
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“Why not? Why not anything? If God ain’t a God of why nots, than I say ‘Why bother,’ and I don’t think that’s takin his name in vain, I think it’s tellin the truth about what people need.”
Todd Johnson
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“There’s one thing about getting somebody to help you though…you got to take whatever it looks like - their kind of help. And you can’t be choosin what you like and don’t like. Help is a take it or leave it kind of thing, and if you can’t take it like it comes, might as well leave it, cause it’s gonna be more trouble than it’s worth.”
Todd Johnson
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“Havin to make all the rules, all the time, wasn’t never my idea of a party.”
Todd Johnson
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