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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой; most appropriately used Liev Tolstoy; commonly Leo Tolstoy in Anglophone countries) was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacle of realist fiction. Many consider Tolstoy to have been one of the world's greatest novelists. Tolstoy is equally known for his complicated and paradoxical persona and for his extreme moralistic and ascetic views, which he adopted after a moral crisis and spiritual awakening in the 1870s, after which he also became noted as a moral thinker and social reformer.

His literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him in later life to become a fervent Christian anarchist and anarcho-pacifist. His ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You, were to have a profound impact on such pivotal twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Todas as famílias felizes se parecem, cada família infeliz é infeliz à sua maneira.”
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“Creo -dijo Ana jugando con un guante- que si hay tantas opiniones como cabezas, también hay tantas maneras de amar como corazones”
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“In dem kurzen Blick konnte Wronski verhaltene Lebhaftigkeit bemerken, die auf ihrem Gesicht spielte und zwischen den funkelnden Augen und dem kaum merklichen Lächeln auf ihren roten Lippen hin- und herflatterte. Als ob ihr Wesen von irgendeinem Übermaß derart übervoll wäre, dass es gegen ihren Willen bald im Funkeln des Blicks, bald im Lächeln zum Ausdruck käme. Sie löschte vorsätzlich das Licht in den Augen, doch es leuchtete gegen ihren Willen im kaum merklichen Lächeln.”
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“In external ways Pierre had hardly changed at all. In appearance he was just what he used to be. As before he was absent-minded and seemed occupied not with what was before his eyes but with something special of his own. The difference between his former and present self was that formerly when he did not grasp what lay before him or was said to him, he had puckered his forehead painfully as if vainly seeking to distinguish something at a distance. At present he still forgot what was said to him and still did not see what was before his eyes, but he now looked with a scarcely perceptible and seemingly ironic smile at what was before him and listened to what was said, though evidently seeing and hearing something quite different. Formerly he had appeared to be a kindhearted but unhappy man, and so people had been inclined to avoid him. Now a smile at the joy of life always played round his lips, and sympathy for others shone in his eyes with a questioning look as to whether they were as contented as he was, and people felt pleased by his presence.”
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“Viata fiecarui om are doua laturi: viata personala, care este cu atat mai libera, cu cat interesele sale sunt mai abstracte, si o viata elementara, de roi, in care omul, fara sa se poata sustrage, implineste legi ce i-au fost prescrise.Constient, omul traieste pentru sine, dar serveste in mod inconstient ca arma pentru atingerea telurilor istorice ale intregii omeniri. O fapta, odata savarsita, e ireversibila, si actiunea ei, concurand in timp cu milioane de actiuni ale celorlalti oameni, capata o insemnatate istorica. Cu cat sta omul mai sus pe scara sociala, cu cat este in fuctie de mai multi oameni, cu atat mai multa putere are asupra celorlalti, cu atat este mai evidenta predestinarea si caracterul neocolit al fiecareia din actiunile sale."Inima tarului e-n mainile Dumnezeirii."Tarul nu este altceva decat sclavul istoriei.”
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