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Tom Conrad


Tom Conrad is a very busy man. When not talking about himself in the third person, he likes to think of amusing bio descriptions:

"Born. Wrote many an ebook (continually delighted people actually read them)... Not dead yet!"

See, time well spent?!


Available on all Amazon platforms. I recommend Suicide is not a Plan B and That Semicolon Bitch Had to Die


They describe what things are about.

Contact me direct: [email protected]. My email address is actually the last line delivered in a favourite film of mine, and has nothing to do with my previous life as a world-class poker player.

Thank you for dropping by, I hope you enjoy one (or all) of my books x

“I'm a struggling writer, I'm struggling to convince people I'm a writer.”
Tom Conrad
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“He grumbles incoherently, opens the window a fraction and continues to smoke away. It’s like every time Sidney Drake enters a new location he has to readjust the atmosphere, akin to one of those sci-fi shows where they oxygenate the planet, but for my dad it’s in a suffocating reverse. He replaces the clean wholesome air with a non-stop puff of toxic poison.”
Tom Conrad
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“I’d once again see that bob of blonde hair back on my pillow, that pink hot smile beaming toward me as I heroically win her heart in some kind of Count of Monte Cristo or Great Gatsby-esque gesture… you know minus the long imprisonment or swimming pool death!”
Tom Conrad
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“I was, a near grown man, sat in his dank, dark and rickety digs, feverishly hovering about the glare of a computer screen like a disorientated moth, one searching for a flaming light of recognition from someone/anyone!”
Tom Conrad
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“The punter sweated on top of Marina, his lips all over her young body, his tongue slipping out from rows of crooked teeth, pushing hungrily from between his shrivelled lips like a clam from a shell, a bottom feeder searching for salty nutrition.”
Tom Conrad
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“My mind may be in gutter, Abigail, but at least I’m looking at an angel!”
Tom Conrad
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“Lust fades after climax, love lasts until breakfast!”
Tom Conrad
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“Detective Inspector Eccles sighed. He may ordinarily have met his sigh with the question of why the newly appointed Superintendent Dickinson was turning up to this late hour crime scene, he may also ordinarily question why his superior officer was dressed as Julius Caesar, in full tunic and green leafy wreath, yet ever since the new and youngest-ever-appointed superintendent had arrived at the Met it had been all too clear he was an officer who didn’t quite do things by the eBook.”
Tom Conrad
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“The banana flavour of his accidental conception, and the banana theme of his accidental death, now all seemed to conspire against him and rather suggest the universe, Mr Fate or whoever did have some sort of master plan after all. Despite all his earlier conjecturing, maybe the universe, Mr Fate or whoever was laughing its fat and meddling head at him. The outlandish evidence did seem to speak for itself, truly suggesting a mocking narrative devised by some mischievous author because quite simply a banana condom had brought Midnight into the world and a banana skin had seen him out. Putting those two seeming truths together, Midnight was once again forced to ask such confused and searching questions like:What is this place, where am I heading? And what’s the deal with all the ruddy bananas?”
Tom Conrad
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“For a more than miffed Midnight, fate was for emperors, fools and soppy lovers: - fate was the self-important egotism of those doing well, the sheer unbearable arrogance of the living and loved.”
Tom Conrad
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“In life one of Midnight’s favourite movies had been It’s a Wonderful Life, a touching story where a man called George Bailey is shown how poor the world would have been if he’d never existed, but now the young ghost of Midnight Merlot was sat imagining himself not as the kind hero of his own narrative, but, - but as the anti-George.”
Tom Conrad
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