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Tom Upton

“It wasn’t human nature to leave things alone. It was normal for people to try to fix things that didn’t need to be fixed; or, infinitely worse, trying to fix things that were broken, because some things are meant to be broken--”
Tom Upton
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“Maybe anything that anybody ever has is for now. What happened before is gone, and what will happen later is an illusion.”
Tom Upton
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“If everything is perfect, nobody has to say a word.”
Tom Upton
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“Some people are born to weirdness,” Jerry said, “and others have weirdness thrust upon them.”
Tom Upton
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“Apparently I couldn’t even pretend to be normal.”
Tom Upton
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“I figured it is always better to be unpopular by your own choice.”
Tom Upton
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“You have to figure that there is something seriously wrong with somebody who wants to enter a profession that deals with whether people are screwing enough. Dealing with spirits, spooks, and demons almost seemed normal.”
Tom Upton
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“All I did was offer to kill your dog, and the next thing I know I’m being judged.”
Tom Upton
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“Librarians are notorious snitches—don’t let anybody convince you otherwise.”
Tom Upton
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“You know, my main goal in life is trying not to end up in a straightjacket.”
Tom Upton
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“I have never been reduced to begging somebody to leave me alone, but in your case I’ll make an exception.”
Tom Upton
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“UNDERTAKER!” the head boomed. “BOY, DO I HAVE A JOB FOR YOU!”
Tom Upton
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“Poor kid-- all she’d wanted to do was get her teeth fixed. ”
Tom Upton
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“ "Well-- I don’t know-- the cops might not respond too well to you looking through their windows with a telescope."”
Tom Upton
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“Do you realize how hard it is to keep your mind clear when somebody’s telling you to keep your mind clear?”
Tom Upton
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“I just love things that serve a duel purpose.”
Tom Upton
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“I really should come with a warning label.”
Tom Upton
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“...It’s pretty simple, really: having fun can only led to having more fun-- it cannot led to injury, pain, or dismemberment.”
Tom Upton
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“We’re here to take over the world-- that’s why we’re starting here in Hamilton, Indiana-- the nerve center of the entire planet.”
Tom Upton
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“If you just go with the flow, no matter what weird things happen along the way, you always end up exactly where you belong.”
Tom Upton
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“I’ve always found wildlife very calming-- except when animals are eating each other, of course.”
Tom Upton
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“It was at this time that I formed one of my own insights: it was strange how intelligent people, like Raffles, without being asked, freely spout off their insights and actually expect less intelligent people, like me, to be interested.”
Tom Upton
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“Every time there was an unspoken promise that this would be the last time, but it would only be the last time until the next time.”
Tom Upton
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“An idiot will do anything, no matter how stupid, because he is afraid of what everybody will think of him if he does nothing. A genius, on the other hand, is content to do nothing, no matter what people think, if he can’t find anything worth doing.”
Tom Upton
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“Never believe what they say; they always lie. I have a saying: Whatever they say, do the opposite, and you’ll never go wrong.”
Tom Upton
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“It is not easy being trapped in a school that is caught between cornfields and cows.”
Tom Upton
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“Other than the voices in my head, I think I’m pretty normal.”
Tom Upton
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“...Life is much simpler if you don’t notice anything....”
Tom Upton
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“I don’t believe it! You’re still interested in the girl, despite the fact that she might be some kind of alien. Does this sickness of yours have any bounds?”
Tom Upton
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“Who in their right mind counts the tiles on the floor when they go visiting a neighbor?”
Tom Upton
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