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Tom Wiseman

Founder of Digital Dreams and primary web designer.

Tom began programming in 1977, first learning on a Commodore Vic 20. In High school he was taught Basic on a Radio Shack TRS 80 Model III and an Apple IIe. His love for the highly technical and structured logic of programming has remained with him to this day. Over the years he has programmed in several different languages, to include: Basic, Qbasic, Logo, Turbo Pascal, Visual Basic, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, Flash, & Transact-SQL.

In 1985 Tom enlisted into the USAF, where he spent the first 10 years of his military career working on B-52G's and B-1B's. In 1995 he transitioned inside to become a computer technician for the 9th Bomb Squadron. Four years later he moved over to the network operations center, where he managed several servers and over 1,800 user and e-mail accounts.

Between 1996 and 2000, he was co-owner of a software programming company which created games and various utilities for Bulletin Board Systems. Tom sold his stake in the company when the popularity of BBS' started to decline due to the Internet.

Following his honorable discharge from the military in 2001, he moved back to his hometown of Redding, California, where he was promptly hired on as an Information Systems Technician at a local high school. With some much needed cash flow, Tom decided it was time to pursue his dream of becoming a private pilot. In October of 2003, that dream was realized. He married the true love of his life, Deanna, in August of 2003, and together they have two beautiful daughters.

In June of 2010, he signed on with, becoming a freelance journalist. Tom also writes web design and development articles for Ezine, as well as articles for his own blog, Digital Designs, and has even published a fictional novel, Grey Skies Ahead, which is available for purchase from Amazon for your favorite eBook reader. He is currently employed in Sacramento as an Implementation Engineer, as well as attending college for his degree in Computer Science.

“The job of a fiction writer is to engage the reader and rip them from reality.”
Tom Wiseman
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