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Tommy Tenney

Tommy Tenney is the author of multi-million selling The God Chasers series. He has written more than thirty books, with eight best-selling titles to date. Tommy has books in over forty languages, traveled into more than seventy-two countries and television broadcast into one hundred twenty nations. Tommy spent ten years pastoring and has spent over twenty years in itinerant ministry. His two passions are leading others to seek the presence of God and encouraging unity in the body of Christ. He is the founder of, a mission's ministry organized to assist pastors globally, and distribute Tommy's teachings through various media. Three generations of ministry in his family heritage, and three daughters, have given Tommy a unique perspective on ministry. The Tenneys reside in Louisiana with their three daughters, their son-in-law, four grandchildren and two Yorkies.

“God is no respector of persons, but He does play favorites.”
Tommy Tenney
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“With relationship comes access, and with intimacy comes influence.”
Tommy Tenney
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“Ironically, it was the father's blessing that actually "financed" the prodigal son's trip away from the Father's face! and it was the son's new revelation of his poverty of heart that propelled him back into his Father's arms. Sometimes we use the very blessings that God gives us to finance our journey away from the centrality of Christ. It's very important that we return back to ground zero, to the ultimate eternal goal of abiding with the Father's in intimate communion. (pg. 243)”
Tommy Tenney
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“It takes the glory of God to conceal a matter. It takes the honor of the king to seek out for it.”
Tommy Tenney
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