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Toni Teepell

Toni Teepell was born and raised in Louisiana. A graduate of Louisiana State University, she taught elementary school for fourteen years before relocating with her husband, Charlie, to Houston. They have three children and one grandson. A Truth Worth Tellin' is her first novel.

“Mamma says God uses the bad times to build strength. Wonder how strong a person needs to be before things get easier.”
Toni Teepell
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“You see Maggie, I realized the importance of our responses to the unanswered prayers. I had a choice to either grow bitter and turn away from God, or walk closer allowing his grace to guide each step. I don't know why some things happen the way they do, but I am sure of this: God is loving, and knows what he's doing. ”
Toni Teepell
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“Daddy says every person on earth is born iwth a device that lets them know right from wrong. Some call it their conscience, others say it's their inner voice; he calls his a gift from God. I don't know what to call mine, but I do know it lives in my belly.”
Toni Teepell
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“One of the problems with lying is you can never tell just one. It usually takes at least three, but sometimes more. In order to be good, a notebook should be kept nearby at all times. There's nothing worse than forgetting your lies in the middle of a story.”
Toni Teepell
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