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Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan was an author and educational consultant. He was a proponent of the techniques of Mind Mapping and mental literacy. He worked with: corporate entities and businesses all over the world; academics; Olympic athletes; children of all ages; governments; and high profile individuals, in teaching them how to maximize the use of their brain power.

Buzan was born in London, was an alumnus of Kitsilano Secondary School, and received double honors in psychology, English, mathematics and the General Sciences from the University of British Columbia in 1964. He is probably best known for his book, Use Your Head, his promotion of mnemonic systems and his Mind Mapping techniques. He launched his own software program to support mind mapping called iMindMap in December 2006. His website, Buzan World, cites trademarks on the phrase 'Mind Maps' which he has registered in many countries.

Following his 1970s series for the BBC, many of his ideas have been set into his series of five books: Use Your Memory, Master Your Memory, Use Your Head, The Speed Reading Book and The Mind Map Book. He authored or co-authored over 100 books.

Most of his teaching generally divided up into: general awareness of the extensive capabilities and capacities of the brain and its functions, memory skills, reading skills, Mind Map note-taking and note-making, creativity, and how brain function can be improved over time into old age.

Buzan developed Mind Mapping whilst at university, out of the frustration that traditional notes took up so much time to create and review. He has argued that Mind Maps are an efficient way to take notes from lectures or books. His brother Barry Buzan, who co-wrote The Mind Map Book, suggested the technique could also be used to capture notes from one's own creative ideas and is useful in business.

As a popular psychology author, Tony Buzan wrote on subjects relating to the brain, genius quotient (GQ), spiritual intelligence, memory, creativity and speed reading. He was the founder and President of the Brain Foundation (not to be confused with various medical-related bodies with the same name) and also the Brain Trust Charity, the World Memory Championships and the World Championships of the Brain. He was a co-founder of London's Mind Body Spirit Festival as well as the Mind Sports Olympiad.

“True negotiation takes place when each side respects the other, and their point of view, and enters into the discussion positively. If you are determined that your solution, and your particular solution only, is the correct one – to be imposed on the other side if necessary – that is not negotiation; it is dictatorship”
Tony Buzan
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“So, your Socially Intelligent and altruistic behaviour doesn’t justbenefit your friends and colleagues; you benefit too. If you leave peopleon a high note, you leave yourself on that same high note! You thusfeed your own memory banks with wonderful and uplifting memories,as well as boosting your own resistance to stress, illness and disease.BUT REMEMBER: The opposite is also true …If you leave your friends, lovers and colleagues on antagonistic andunpleasant notes, you help them to flood their own bodies withpoisons that leave them physically unbalanced, their immune systemsweakened, and their memories fouled.And you do the same to yourself!The choice is yours …”
Tony Buzan
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“There is another Brain Principle to go with ‘First Things First’: that of‘Last Things Too’. This states that, all other things being equal, you willrecall more easily the ‘last’ things. Check your own memory banks andsee if this principle holds for the following.You will probably recall:� -The last new person you met� -The last time you saw the person you love the most� -The last social event you attended”
Tony Buzan
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“A truly intelligent person is not one who can simply spout wordsand numbers; it is someone who can react ‘intelligently’ to all theopportunities, simulations and problems provided by the environment.Real intelligence means engaging your brain with every aspect of life –you play sport with you brain; you relate to others brain-to-brain;”
Tony Buzan
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“Definition is the companion of clarity; clarity is the guide to your goals.”
Tony Buzan
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“كان الأسلوب الذي اتبعه عباقرةالإبداع هو الدخول في حوارات خيالية مع أبطالهم و طلب"الأفكار"و الإلهام.و يمكن استخدام هذا الأسلوب من "التفكير الإبداعي".”
Tony Buzan
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