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Tony Parsons

Tony Parsons (born 6 November 1953) is a British journalist broadcaster and author. He began his career as a music journalist on the NME, writing about punk music. Later, he wrote for The Daily Telegraph, before going on to write his current column for the Daily Mirror. Parsons was for a time a regular guest on the BBC Two arts review programme The Late Show, and still appears infrequently on the successor Newsnight Review; he also briefly hosted a series on Channel 4 called Big Mouth.

He is the author of the multi-million selling novel, Man and Boy (1999). Parsons had written a number of novels including The Kids (1976), Platinum Logic (1981) and Limelight Blues (1983), before he found mainstream success by focussing on the tribulations of thirty-something men. Parsons has since published a series of best-selling novels – One For My Baby (2001), Man and Wife (2003), The Family Way (2004), Stories We Could Tell (2006), My Favourite Wife (2007), Starting Over (2009) and Men From the Boys (2010). His novels typically deal with relationship problems, emotional dramas and the traumas of men and women in our time. He describes his writing as 'Men Lit', as opposed to the rising popularity of 'Chick Lit'.

“Sometimes we are only aware of how happy we are when the moment has passed. But now and again, if we are very lucky, we are aware of happiness when it is actually happening.”
Tony Parsons
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“I once read somewhere that, in any relationship, the one who cares the least is the one with all the power.”
Tony Parsons
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“I have this theory about divorce. I have a theory that is never a tragedy for adults and always a tragedy for children. Adults can lose weight, find someone nicer, get their life back. Divorce gives grown-ups a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is the children who pay the price, and pay it for the rest of their lives. But we can't admit that, all us scarred veterans of the divorce court, because it would mean admitting that we have inflicted wounds on our children that they will carry for the rest of their lives.”
Tony Parsons
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“Riddle me this - she is my daughter but I am not her father: who am I?I am a step parent. Ah, but I don't really believe in the term step-parent. I don't think the role exists. Not really. For either in the end you are either a child's parent or you are not. And blood does not have a lot do to with it.”
Tony Parsons
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“And it felt like every time I turned around, somebody was either dying or walking out.”
Tony Parsons
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“Don't you see?" he said. "This could go on for another five years, another ten years, and then where would we be? You want to grow old waiting for something that's never going to happen? Is that what you want?”
Tony Parsons
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“Не можеш да даваш на доведеното си дете само нежност и одобрение, защото никой родител не прави това. И все пак нямаш властта да порицаваш детето по начини, присъщ за истинските родители.Вторите родители - тези,които дават най-доброто от себе си - искат да бъдат харесвани. Истинските родители не изпитват нужда от това.Защото знаят, че са обичани.Това е любов, която се дава безусловно и без резерви. Един родител трябва да направи нещо наистина много лошо, за да пропилее любовта на своето дете. Вторият родител не получава такъв вид любов.”
Tony Parsons
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“If you are always craving, always wanting, never satisfied, never happy with what you've got, you end up even more lost and lonely than you do...”
Tony Parsons
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“I'm not saying it's what I would have wanted. But don't you see? We fuck up our lives again and again and it's always our children who pick up the bill. We move on to new relationships, always starting over, always thinking we've got another chance to get it right, it's the kids from all these broken marriages who pay the price. They - my son, your daughters, all the millions like them - are carrying around wounds that are going to last a lifetime. It has to stop.”
Tony Parsons
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“I love you but I'm not in love with you”
Tony Parsons
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“It can't always be a honeymoon”
Tony Parsons
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“Rouz je bila na mojoj strani onako kako niko nikada nije bio na mojoj strani. Rouz je bila dobrovoljac. Bilo joj je stalo do mene. Voleci me, ona me je oslobodila. Bio sam slobodan da budem ono sto jesam. Nije u meni videla samo coveka kakav jesam, nego i coveka kakav bi mogao da budem. Voleci me, ucinila je da poverujem da bi moji snovi mogli da postanu stvarnost.”
Tony Parsons
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“Lako je voleti nekoga ko je na vasoj strani.”
Tony Parsons
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“Learn to trust your instincts. Only something dead goes with the tide. Only something living can go against it.”
Tony Parsons
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“Cancer seems a high price to pay for an innocuous-looking habit. You get into smoking and you are robbed of the last 25 years of your life. Some cocky souls will say, 'Ah yes, but they are the worst 25 years.' Nobody feels like that in a cancer ward. There are no cocky souls in a cancer ward. But there's a lot of pain, not just of the excruciating physical kind that they shoot you full of morphine to smother. There are a lot of tears. All round. It is hard to say goodbye to the people you love. And it's scary. Cancer wards have a way of knocking the cockiness out of you. And for what? Another cigarette?”
Tony Parsons
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“Dont feel too bad, Harry. People break-up everyday, its not the end of the world..”
Tony Parsons
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“Love means knowing when to let go.”
Tony Parsons
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“There was an intelligence about him (Joe Strummer) that allowed his band to change and evolve, just as Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols were disappearing up their own bondage trousers. And there was a generosity about Strummer, too, a warmth and humanity about the guy. He was a brilliant musician, a beautiful man, and a charismatic artist. There is a part of me that bitterly resents the fact that the Clash never replaced the Rolling Stones in rock music's hall of heroes. But the Clash were not about milking if for a lifetime...I thought they were the greatest band I had ever seen. And, half a lifetime on, in a large part of my soul, I still do...They changed lives. They certainly changed mine. Because they made me believe that, with passion and commitment and a bit of fire in your belly, you could be exactly the person you wanted to be.”
Tony Parsons
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“to love means to realize there is a time to let the beloved one go”
Tony Parsons
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