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Tony Rattigan

Tony Rattigan* is the author of a series of books, (The Londum Series,) about an alternate Universe, one of many different Universes that make up a Multiverse.

After 22 years in the Royal Air Force, 5 years in the National Health Service and 10 years at one of the UK’s largest charities, Tony decided he’d done enough for Queen and Country and he was about due some ‘me’ time.

Consequently he took early retirement in 2010 to work on his writing. He lives in Oxfordshire UK with his Albatross and a pet monkey. (No, not really. That’s just a vain attempt to sound interesting.)

*Tony Rattigan is the founder member of the Anti-Reincarnation Society, whose motto is – “Once is Enough!” All members carry a card that reads, ‘If found dead - please do not reincarnate’.

All of Tony's books are available for the Kindle as well as in paperback.

“She was the kind of woman that makes a man go, 'Ah yes! Now I remember why I'm a man.”
Tony Rattigan
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“It's been so long since I had sex, I can't remember who gets tied up, anymore.”
Tony Rattigan
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“There’s no such thing as a noble death, Cobb ... there’s just death.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Jim said, ‘For your information I faked all my orgasms!”
Tony Rattigan
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“She was one of those women that makes any red blooded male look at her and go, ‘Ah yes … now I remember why I’m a man.”
Tony Rattigan
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“He wasn’t really a spy; he just helped them out when they were busy.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Oh for love of the Gods, thought Jim. The last thing I need right now is philosophical discussion with a madman, on a snowy roof, about the merits of capitalism.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Oh dear thought Cobb. Never mind Father Yule, he sounds more like Ebenezer Scrimge from Charles Pickens’ book “A Yuletide Song”.”
Tony Rattigan
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“What you must realise Cobb, is that sometimes the answer to a question is actually irrelevant; it is the search for that answer that is important. To quest and to strive for knowledge brings its own growth and understanding.”
Tony Rattigan
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“I’m sorry, I thought you were together.’‘Why, do I look like an organ grinder?’ said Cobb.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Harlequin groaned. ‘Cobb, you’ve got to get me out of here, it’s cold and damp, there’s rats, the food is terrible, they keep interrogating me … and I’ve been wearing the same underpants for six weeks!”
Tony Rattigan
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“Never eat at a restaurant that has a handbrake.Never buy food from any place that won’t be there next morning.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Rufus Cobb was having one of those days. You know … one of those days. You know the ones, the sort of day where you just want to go home and be cruel to a small animal.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Oh yes that’s right, you’re man of principle aren’t you?’ Jim said, somewhat tetchily. ‘Made of unbending rock with no room for compromise. Heart of oak, nerves of steel, a will of iron … and a knob of butter.”
Tony Rattigan
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“And then there were her eyes. Two grey gimlets. They had a gaze that could strip wallpaper. They made you think that she could look deeply into your eyes and read the manufacturer’s label on the inside of your skull.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Look,’ said Cobb, ‘I live in the city. The only wildlife I ever get to see is rats. If I want to catch a rabbit I go to the butchers!”
Tony Rattigan
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“So while you may be reading this sitting comfortably in your semi-detached in Cricklewood, a hundred Universes over, Captain Lars Felder of the Hyperion Space Command is manoeuvring his Nimwad attack fighter into the final strike position for an attack on a Zykon Death Cruiser. And fifteen Universes over from that, Ug is still trying to figure out how to make that bright yellow stuff that hurts when you put your hand in it but makes you feel so warm and comfortable when you sit next to it on cold nights.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Do you ever have Deja Vu?’‘I could ask in the kitchen, see if they've got any in.”
Tony Rattigan
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“That’s the trouble these days, too much Sax and Violins in the theatre.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Don't you wish you could do what birds do?''What ... make custard?''No, fly south for the winter.”
Tony Rattigan
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“Your mother dresses you funny!”
Tony Rattigan
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