Torbjørn Øverland Amundsen photo

Torbjørn Øverland Amundsen

Torbjørn lives in Oslo with his family. He started writing bad poetry when he was 15 and loves story telling in every format.

He spent quite a bit of his childhood in the local library, devouring books and comics. Later followed movies and tv-series.

Some of his many favorites are Harry Potter, Malazan Book of the Fallen, Naruto, the Polity Universe, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, West Wing, Altered Carbon, Ghost in the shell - anime, and many, many more.

He writes in both Norwegian and English.

“Menneskets eldste våpen var mennesket selv.”
Torbjørn Øverland Amundsen
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“Du kan ikke forsvare drap eller tortur i seg selv, men verden er faktisk slik at noen ganger må du velge det minste av to onder.”
Torbjørn Øverland Amundsen
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