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Torgny Lindgren

Gustav Torgny Lindgren was a Swedish writer.

Lindgren was the son of Andreas Lindgren and Helga Björk. He studied in Umeå to become a teacher and worked as a teacher until the middle of the 1970s. He was for several years active as a local politician for the Swedish Social Democratic Party. In the 1980s he converted to the Catholic faith.

Lindgren began as a poet in 1965 but had to wait until 1982 for his breakthrough, with The Way of a Serpent (Swedish: Ormens väg på hälleberget). Lindgren has been translated into more than thirty languages and was one of Sweden's most internationally successful contemporary writers. He became a member of the Swedish Academy in 1991.

“Je zou je Herinneringen moeten schrijven, zei de uitgever. Dat kan ik niet, zei ik. Ik heb geen herinneringen. Wie van mijn zes uitgevers het was, kan ik me niet herinneren. Vermoedelijk waren ze het alle zes, op uiteenlopende momenten. Uitgevers zijn gebruiksartikelen. Ze hebben allemaal hetzelfde soort wensen. Iedereen heeft herinneringen, zei de uitgever, hij of zij glimlachte naar me, denkend dat ik uit interessanterigheid beweerde dat ik geen herinneringen bezat. Ik verbeeld me niet dat ik me iets herinner, zei ik. Bijna een halve eeuw heb ik me met mijn verbeelding onderhouden. Die was bepaald veelomvattend. Het zou pijnlijk zijn die nu herinneringen te gaan noemen.”
Torgny Lindgren
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“A modern person has no energy to love any other time than his own.”
Torgny Lindgren
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“Of course it's almost ludicrously difficult to talk about art. And about beauty. Beauty is a perversion--how can you retain your self-respect when you talk about it?”
Torgny Lindgren
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“Justice is like an invisible creature that flees before us. As long as we keep chasing it, we have it. It's the constant seeking for law and justice that constitutes law and justice. . . . All confusion and disorder and disintegration is just semblance and illusion. Law and order endure in secret. Truth and justice are not a conjuring trick.”
Torgny Lindgren
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“I lack the disposition for realism. . . . as soon as I have managed to put together a suitable number of realistic people and placed them in reasonably realistic surroundings where they can live realistic lives, they start to fiddle about, they behave as if they had never before been in contact with real life, but had only lived in a fantasy world. They commit frightful crimes, they die and are resurrected, they ascend to heaven and allow themselves to be misled into all the foolishness the language happens to lead them to, till at last, with oaths and curses, they escape from the planned novel.”
Torgny Lindgren
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“Books don't need to be published," Lars Högström said. "The main thing is that they should be written.”
Torgny Lindgren
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“Och jag påpekade att huvudparten av vår tids olyckor har vållats av läsning och skrivning. De kemiska formlerna. Den genetiska koden. Partiprogrammen. Krigsförklaringarna. Myndigheterna. Atombomben.”
Torgny Lindgren
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