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Tracie Peterson

Tracie Peterson is a bestselling author who writes in both historical and contemporary genres. Her novels reveal her love for research as well as her strong desire to develop emotionally meaningful characters and stories for her readers. Tracie and her family live in Montana.

pen name: Janelle Jamison

“Merrill Krause - You mentioned God's will for me. How will I know what that is, Father?Bogart Krause - I've always believed it to start with prayer. The Good Book says that if a man wants wisdom, he just has to ask. I would imagine it works the same way for womenfolk. If you want to know what God's plan is -- then I would ask Him. Couldn't hurt to search the Scriptures, too. And listen to what He is telling you inside. Even when you don't think you're hearing anything, keep listening.”
Tracie Peterson
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“I'm quick enough to criticize and lecture the poor man. Praise should be just as quick to come when the right course is chosen.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Merrill Krause - "My brothers have scared off just about any fellow who showed interest in getting to know me."Granny Lassiter - "Well, if a man can't stand up to those brothers of yours, you needn't even consider him. A man ought to be able to hold his own with his wife's family.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Often times we reach out to people who would rather not be reached. We love people who reject our love and would just as soon spit in our face, but Jesus asks us to go on loving--go on reaching. It's easy to love someone when they love us, but so much harder to love when we are treated poorly by that person.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Just remember, forgiveness is a way of setting yourself free of the bondage put on you by others. There is liberty to he had in it.”
Tracie Peterson
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“I suppose my biggest frustration is that we as white people come into a culture and demand that the natives do things our way. I want to see their lives bettered as much as anyone, but who says we have somehow arrived at the perfect way to live? Especially for specific areas of the world?”
Tracie Peterson
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“She often told her children that they couldn't change the past and they couldn't jump forward to the future. All they had was today, and they needed to live it in such a way that they wouldn't create just another regretted yesterday. Mourning the past was never productive-she knew this full well.”
Tracie Peterson
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“you cannot let the pain of the past destroy the happiness of the future.”
Tracie Peterson
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“I can tell you what women need in general. They need respect and love. They need to be able to trust your word and to be able to confide in you. So often, we can't care for ourselves in this world, so we need protection and provision.”
Tracie Peterson
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“love isn't about living in fear. It's not about controlling the hearts of those around you. It is patient and kind. It endures and believes the very best. It never gives up.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Do not wish your life away, " Grandfather would tell her. "None of us know the number of days we are allotted. It would be foolish to discard any of them.”
Tracie Peterson
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“It was an accident," Deborah declared."Yeah, the man she intended to hit ducked. I just happened to be behind him.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Your hope doesn't come from within-not in the sense of self, anyway. It comes from God alone. If not, then it will crumble and blow as dust to the wind. You have only to fix your sights on Jesus.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Often admitting our weakness and fear is the first step to finding rest in God. Our trust in Him isn't conveyed though superhuman confidence as much as it comes in the way of childlike reliance on Him.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Instead of asking Him to remember you, why not pray to find comfort and value where He has taken you.”
Tracie Peterson
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“Perhaps this is what it was all about. Leaning on God when life made no sense, as well as when the answers seem clear.”
Tracie Peterson
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