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Tracy Lynn

Pseudonym of Liz Braswell.

“Dreams aren't deferred. They don't just get deferred, either. Someone defers them. You defer them. You make a choice and put off something you dream of doing. "A dream deferred" is a copout, an escape from blame.”
Tracy Lynn
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“I was angry all the time about the future I didn't want with people I didn't like. But I didn't know what I wanted - so what else was there to do?”
Tracy Lynn
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“This is from me. For all the thousands of bad guys in your life." She gave a meaningful look to Ezra. Then she smugly held up a case.Montgomery popped the catches and opened the top. Oh, my gosh," she said.Inside was a single piece of sharpened wood.MR POINTY!" she screamed in delight.You gave Buffy's weapon...her the cheerleader," David said with a whistle. "Sheer genius.”
Tracy Lynn
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“We can arrange class time with, um, minimum interaction."That's perfect. The part where the interacting is all minimum-y," Montgomery said eagerly.That was almost a Buffyism," Mica pointed out to Ellen. Almost," Ellen admitted grudgingly.”
Tracy Lynn
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“Dude, some of these kids have never even seen a fucking vegetable garden before. Can you believe it? And this one kid, he's never seen a tomato plant, right? But he makes coke into crack in his bedroom.”
Tracy Lynn
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